How the Top Businessmen Ignite Brand Enthusiasm to Attract & Retain the Best Employees

top entrepreneurs for employees

There are leaders that know how to lead, others that know how to manage and others that know how to inspire. Your team members and employees are one of the most important resources for your success as an entrepreneur. So, you need to attract and retain the best ones.

When businesses set a mission that inspires passion, something special happens and it ignites the passion and interest of employees and the business’s creativity reaches new heights of perception and success.

Attract the right pool of talent and you can develop an incredible team that will materialize your business’ dreams. This is important for you if you want to succeed. This is important for you if you want your business to achieve exponential business growth.

Below are 4 incredible businessmen and entrepreneur that have reaped the rewards from the success of creating an exciting brand that inspires their employees. Their success is based on their team members.

Richard Branson – Founder of Virgin

If there is any person on the planet that has a natural ‘knack’ for igniting a brand, then look to Virgin Founder Richard Branson who has created a billion-dollar empire that gets people excited. Their motto is to “have fun and do good then success will come.” This is evident in all forms of their business from staff through to customers.

quote employees richard branson
Source: Az Quotes

Part of the success is Sir Richard Branson’s practice of his own fun intentions, whereby he’ll engage on daring adventures or even participate in fun adverts, such as the below featuring Olympic track champion, 100m and 200m world record holder Usain Bolt.

As the face of the Virgin brand, the ‘fun factor’ is one of the core factors about the brand that is easily recognizable. One of the taglines that are used for their airline brand is “Most people treat their people as cargo. Virgin treats them like rock stars.”

Jack Ma – Alibaba

Jack Ma was the kinetic leader of Alibaba, who grew the world’s largest e-commerce company that has a market cap of $240 million. He successfully grew the company over a 15 year period and much of his success has been attributed to his management style, where he blended Eastern and Western management and technology practices.

quote success employees jack ma
Source: Az Quotes

One of the key traits of Jack Ma is that he surrounded himself with successful and valuable people. His approach was to empower those successful people within his company and allow them to control and develop the business in accordance with his vision. Additionally, he created a culture of participation, energy, and fun. This allowed Alibaba to retain loyal and hardworking staff that would ultimately build the success of Alibaba.

Jeff Bezos – Amazon

Jeff Bezos founded Amazon way back in 1994. Since its founding, it has grown to become one of the leading retail portals in the world. Originally starting as an online bookstore, Amazon has grown to become a marketplace to sell merchandise, digital media, cloud computing services and more. In 2015, Amazon surpassed Wal-Mart as the most valuable retailer by market capitalization. The growth of the company continues to boost the brand power and excitement amongst its employees. However, Bezos attributes the successful growth to hiring the best talent and valuing their contribution to the business.

Source: Notesmartly
Source: Notesmartly

Recognizing the value these employees have in your business is crucial to your ongoing success. Give them positive feedback and even reward them with promotional products that will make them feel valued.

Here is how you can design new product development process inside your small business.

Donald Trump – Trump Brand

Like him or loathe him, Donald Trump has transcended from a successful businessman to a worldwide celebrity. His brand has been built on a combination of sales skill, determination, and showmanship. In the 2000s, his fame rose following his media partnership to promote the television show ‘The Apprentice’.

In recent times, he has spoken out against current US president Barack Obama, has chosen to apply for the top spot at The White House, and has earned a new set of admirers including that of Russian President Vladimir Putin. His brand has focused on high quality, excellence, and delivering the needs and wants of the people. This clear vision inspires several talented people to work under his command to fulfill the dream that adds to his growing empire.

It is clear to see the common traits of success among these brilliant businessmen. They are as strong as their staff support. By invigorating their brand culture and identity, they can attract and retain the best pool of talent for their business.