How Project Planning Tools Could Transform Your Business

project planning tools

Running a business is a difficult task. You have to worry about running it properly, your competition, and constantly making improvements. Transforming your business requires you to keep up with technology trends, such as project planning tools.

Here are four project planning tools and their benefits to your business.

Project Planning Tools and Your Business

Project planning tools are required to make managing your business easier. These project planning tools will help your business thrive and become the ultimate success you desire.

Planning Board

When you want to schedule projects and resources, the planning board has you covered. This project planning board tool features drag and drop abilities, multiple views, resource requests, the option of repeat entry, alerts and emails. Time Scale is another feature of the planning board offers that allow you to view activities based on the time of day, week or month.

Gantt Chart

The Gantt Chart is a popular project planning tool because of the way it breaks down a workload. With the Gantt Chart, you can monitor activities as well as progress. You can share results with clients. Other features of this planning tool include a multi-project view, and views of milestones, versions, dependencies, and work breakdown structure.


The iCalendar communicates the planning to your employees. Your company’s calendar system can be used with this planning tool. Employees can stay current with things that are occurring within their schedule. The iCalendar works with Microsoft Outlook, Apple and Google Calendar, Lotus Notes, and Groupwise.

project planning tools accomplishments


Utilization is a project planning tool that gives you the power to analyze productivity. Productivity is broken down by a department, position and individual resources. Utilization gives you a clear view of resource requests, forecast, and threshold alerts.

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Benefits of Project Planning Tools

Project planning tools are perfect for predicting “what if” situations. Some errors that occur within a business is out of everyone’s control, but these tools can reduce the risk of mishaps and errors.

Running a business requires clear concepts and views of the business and its activities. Project management tools give you different perspectives of your business so you can determine when and where changes need to be made. Changes can be a great thing in the business world.

Using project management tools is the best way to track your company’s evolution. You have access to your company’s spending, time, and completion rate. You can use this feature to help with projection and make changes to ensure you match or exceed your competition.

The Success of Planning

When you plan, you are organizing yourself for the events in the future. While it’s true you can’t plan for everything and expect everything to turn out the way you planned, planning puts you on the right track to getting what you want. Sure, there will be a few bumps in the road and setbacks, but this is part of the foundation that makes a great business.

In your business plan, make sure you have at least two backup plans for the original plan. A business consists of team members, managers, and corporate individuals to make a business come to life and become successful. These project planning tools and a lot of others that are available help organize a business and highlight a business’s weak and strong points. These factors are important pieces of information that need to be considered when you are building or maintaining your business. The more organized your business is, the better chance you have of focusing on key factors and getting ahead of your competition.