How to Influence People: The Most Overlooked Secret

impact the masses

As an entrepreneur, it’s very wise to actively go after the financial gain you desire. However, it’s also important to positively impact others. When you impact others, you may never see the return on investment in the bank account. However, you’ll be able to know that you maximized your influence and touched as many people as you possibly could if you can impact the masses.

There are many ways to approach the conversation of how to impact the masses. Consider these six options.

1. Build corporate partnerships.

Find a cause you’d like to support or an epidemic you’d like to eradicate. Perhaps you’d like to start a disaster relief fund. Every hurricane season, there’s a new city that’ll need aid. Epidemics like human trafficking and AIDS are rampant and need aid to fund their demise. Whatever you choose to back, it’s a good idea to create corporate partnerships to help you gain the funds. Start by networking and getting to know different professionals at major companies. It’s also worthwhile to use your own professional and personal networks to help you get in the front door.

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2. Share inspiration on social media.

Create an Instagram account and share valuable content. If you have a beauty brand, share word graphics that talk about developing beauty from the inside as well as the outside. Positive messages are always encouraging and tend to attract a lot of followers. Be consistent with your posts, use hashtags and engage with different accounts online.

3. Host an event.

Host an event in your area. Find a list of great motivational speakers and book one to come. Arrange for the event to be catered and include a DJ or live musicians to set the atmosphere. It’s also wise to include a ticket price for this event. With all the overhead costs, you don’t want to end up in the hole. Plan it well and make sure to promote it effectively. Hiring an event planner might work well to make sure the night runs smoothly.

4. Donate.

Donate to different charities on your own. You can use the power of social media to give others information on different charities they can support. However, it’s so crucial for you to be the change you want to see. There is a magnetic result when you get into the habit of giving. The more you give, the more you place yourself in the position to receive. An open hand can receive a lot more than a closed one can.

5. Build a team.

No man is an island and that’s why it’s important to build a team. Surround yourself with people you trust. Make sure that they have a reputation for operating with integrity. They need to have good track records with their work ethic as well. Once you build this team, make sure they’re clear on what the mission is and what the outcome needs to be. Once a group of people come together and have a clear vision, they’re completely unstoppable.

6. Create YouTube videos.

Google is the most visited website in the world. YouTube is owned by Google so it makes a lot of sense to create a channel and produce content. In this digital age, people long for more and more content. This is a content-driven society. Knowing this, open up the camera and record with the knowledge that someone will appreciate the information. Produce quality content and become consistent with your production schedule for people to find you.

These six ideas are the tip of the iceberg. There are countless ways to impact the masses while you sit in the entrepreneurial seat. As long as you decide what the vision and goals are, keep your head down and execute the plan. In the long run, you’ll realize more people than you realize.