Why Drones are Gaining Great Popularity in the Business Sector

Why Drones are Gaining Great Popularity in the Business Sector

The drone market increases and the technology that drives them is progressing at high speed. So, drones are becoming more economical for a wide range of business purposes.

From patrolling and monitoring the property to conduct inspections in dangerous or hazardous conditions, drone usage can save many different businesses a veritable fortune.

Regardless of what kind of business you are talking about, here are 3 reasons why drones are gaining popularity in the business sector.

1. Cuts down on labor costs with drones

Imagine an industrial business that owns a 40-acre property or massive warehouse. While you could certainly hire a security guard to guard the building, the security guard can only be in one place at one time. While you can install cameras, they will always be limited. Especially in what they can see and how much area they can cover. On the other side, stationary cameras can always be avoided by sharp ne’er-do-wells.

If you have one security guard, then if they need to check on anything shady, they will not be watching the cameras. Conversely, if you hire two security guards, you are basically paying two people. Yes, you are paying them to sit around doing nothing for most of the time essentially.

If you are planning to buy a drone, then we believe you can rent a drone from a drone rental website and get a real hands-on review.

However, a security guard with a drone or a number of drones can both stay in place. They will watch cameras and send out an extra set of eyes to check on anything that seems amiss.

2. Cuts down on injuries and keeps insurance rates low

Most industries that involve any building or manual labor are also often the most dangerous. These industries often have high insurance rates due to the higher risk of injury on the part of their employees. Drones, however, cannot be injured. Whether there is a gas leak on a job site or a broken belt on a piece of heavy factory equipment, sending a human in to assess the damage can often put their life at risk. Building inspectors can send drones onto a roof to check for safety before they ascend themselves. Telecommunications workers can get a bird’s eye view of what is happening atop a pole before climbing it. When a strange sound is heard atop a 20 story building under construction, drones can be sent to inspect without risking human life.

✋ Warning

If you want to find how drones can help you in shipping your products and services, read this article: The Digital Delivery Boys: Are Drones the Future of Shipping and Delivery?

Drones as secure delivery systems

Most major metropolitan areas rely heavily on bike messengers to deliver various products ranging from documents to take-out to groceries. While being a bike messenger might be a viable way to make a living, it is still considered a fairly dangerous job. Simply it represents a fairly large traffic hazard. On the other hand, an army of dronethusiasts can accomplish a number of the same tasks. But, without the danger to themselves or creating a traffic hazard.

With the price of drones dropping and technology increasing both the amount of weight they can carry and the number of tasks they can accomplish, the sky is almost the limit for the future potential for drones in the business sector. One day, a drone may deliver your mail, drop off your lunch, and even pick up your dry cleaning.