Common Workplace Hazards Business Owners Need To Be Aware Of

Each year, workers’ compensation claims cost American business owners nearly $1 billion. In most cases, the reason is the most common workplace hazard.

Finding a way to reduce the danger around your business should be something you are passionate about. Not only will increased levels of safety benefit your bottom line, but it will also reduce the risk of employee injuries.

The only way to make your workspace safer is by properly identifying all of the hazards it has. The following are just some of the most common workplace hazards you need to be aware of.

Working On Platforms or Scaffolding

Do your employees do a lot of work high off the ground? If so, chances are you have a lot of platforms and scaffoldings in use. While this equipment is essential when working in high places, it can also be very dangerous. Consider looking for some professional options like

Failing to properly maintain and test this equipment is a disaster waiting to happen. If the existing scaffolding or platforms you use are worn and dangerous, now is the time to buy new ones. With the assistance of the team at Fall Protection Pros, you can get the safety equipment you need with ease.

A Dirty Workspace is Dangerous

If your building has tons of boxes and other debris blocking areas like the exits or hallways, you need to clean up immediately. Having this clutter lying around can cause slip and fall accidents.

When cleaning up boxes, you need to also avoid over-stacking them. The last thing you want is to have these boxes toppling over on an employee. Thoroughly inspecting the clutter lying around your workspace is a good idea. During this inspection, you can figure out whether you really need it or not. By throwing out unwanted items, you can reduce the clutter in your workspace.

Problems With Electrical Cords 

One of the biggest electrical problems present in workspaces all over the country is improper extension cord usage. Daisy-chaining extension cords or power strips can lead to electrical shorts and in some cases fires.

Having extension cords spread out on the floor in your workspace can lead to you or your employees tripping. Rather than stringing together multiple extension cords to supply power to an area, you need to get an actual electrical outlet installed. If you are unsure about how to do this work on your own, hiring an electrician is the best course of action.

Keeping Forklifts Safe 

Forklift accidents in the workplace are generally caused by a lack of maintenance and human error. Putting undue pressure on forklift drivers to finish their job quickly will usually lead to accidents occurring. Employees who are put under this type of stress take shortcuts and pay the price as a result.

Working on keeping the forklifts your business has properly maintained is a good idea when attempting to avoid accidents. If problems are discovered during the inspection of a forklift, you need to get them fixed right away. Putting your employees behind the wheel of a machine that is unreliable can cause catastrophes to occur.

workplace hazards questions

Improper Lockout/Tagout Procedures

If your business has a number of dangerous areas and machinery, using proper lockout/tagout equipment is wise. While establishing a proper lockout/tagout procedure may be difficult at first, it is worth the effort you and your employees invest. The last thing you want is to have accidents occur as a result of faulty equipment and safety procedures.

Having professionals in the safety industry come in and inspect your facility is a good idea. Once this inspection is done, these professionals can give you a list of the potential safety hazards in your workspace.