Business Ideas Book Template

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In the previous post, I have written about a business ideas book. Now I want to share a business ideas book template specifically designed for your needs as an entrepreneur.

Business ideas book template is something that will help you to become more effective when you want to come up with many great business ideas.

This book also is a basis for your next steps – analysis and choosing the best business idea to start.

I’ve made one template for a business idea book that will help you to become more organized when you’re trying to choose the best business idea.

Simplicity is one of the basic ideas behind this template, but at the same time to give you as much as possible initial data about each business idea you have brainstormed. It is important to use such a book because your business ideas come to your brain and many of them go without taking any action steps.

But, ideas are worthless without implementation. How will you expect to bring value to your small business without implementation of the only output from your creative process – business ideas? You need to ensure that most of the ideas you will have will be implemented in order to make your business better than any other business in the marketplace.

You can see business ideas book template here

business ideas book template


Content of Your Business Ideas Book Template

As you can see the template have 6 different fields that you must fill out::

  • Business Idea Name. Here you can put the name of your each business idea that comes up in your mind. For example, Toys Shop. This name will differentiate one business idea from another. You can have the second business idea as Web Toys Shop and so on.
  • Description of the Business Idea. One business idea is based on three questions – Which, What, How. The first level of a business idea is which business you want to start. This can be retailing, wholesale, manufacturing, consulting, and so on. The second level of a business idea is about subject of the business. What you will sell. And the third level of a business idea is how you will sell those products or services. In the business ideas book template you will need to answer these questions and write that answers into the form. For example, The business idea is starting the retail store that will sell the best toys on the planet and will provide free shipping for all kids.
  • Current Market Practice. In this field, you must take some considerations about the market that will be covered with this business idea. You don’t need to include big analysis to complete this field. Simply answer some questions about the target market and main competitors related to the business idea you are describing in your business ideas book template. The purpose of this field is to encourage you to think about some basic directions you need to follow in the future about market research if you choose this business idea.
  • Future Activities. In this field, you will need to write about some next steps to take if you plan to start with this business idea. This will make you more focused on the next tasks about each business idea that you will choose for the next level of a business startup process. You can leave this field blank, but if the next field – possibilities of realization are really big, I recommend to think and write something related to this field.
  • Possibilities of Realization. This is one combo box where you can select one of three given options: great, medium and low possibilities. Think about possibilities of realization of a business idea that will be part of your business ideas book template. You can have business ideas that have low possibilities to start because of a higher need of finances required for a startup process. Don’t fill with great possibilities if you cannot start that business in some shorter period of time.
  • Quality of Idea. This field will tell you what business ideas must be improved before you go with future consideration. You can choose three different options: great, medium, low quality of a specific business idea.

Download business ideas book template from here.