5 Auto-Hacks to Streamline Your Business Operation

business operations

Today, the average customer manages most of his or her relationships without having an actual person-to-person conversation. Such streamlined business operations in the form of communication save time for busy customers and service agents while increasing productivity and pace of business.

Get your business operations on board by adopting across-the-board automation hacks that save time. One way to achieve this is by using the scheduling software for construction. These five tasks are easy to implement no matter the budget and will help groom your business operations for the future. With the help of scheduling software for construction, you can streamline your project schedules, manage resources, and track progress, which will ultimately save you time and increase efficiency.

1. Use project management software to reduce internal redundancies and streamline business operations

Project management software streamlines employee productivity and workflow by making projects’ inner workings transparent at a glance, as SmallBizTrends highlights. After a slight learning curve, managers can spend 15 minutes as needed adjusting deliverables, timelines, and goals of projects, instead of hours following up on project status through meetings, emails, or conference calls.

2. Process general email inquiries faster with an automated routing system

General email inquiries from potential clients, marketers, or other staff can get lost in the shuffle. When aggregated, general email inquiries can take hours to process, and delaying their handling can lead to missed opportunities. Try an email routing system, which gathers general emails in one central place (like a group mailbox) so that all employees can view and process these without your having to review and delegate on the staff’s behalf.

There are many different group inbox services like Google Workspace, which costs $12 per user per month, and you get different collaboration tools.

3. Schedule social media to save time and expand the reach

To succeed at growing your brand via social media, you must post content on an ongoing basis. However, finding content to post regularly and remembering to do so can take 15 to 30 minutes several times daily. Instead, spent 15 to 30 minutes once or twice a week searching for content to post and scheduling it across several days using a social media scheduler, like the app Hootsuite (which offers free and paid versions) or the free browser extension, Buffer.

4. Switch to an online payroll system to save time across the board

Online payroll systems that allow employees to self-record time, request time off, and manage their own work schedules save managers time. If you regularly spend two hours a week reviewing employee time reports, reconciling payroll, and processing checks, a payroll solution can save you time every day that you can use to manage your business better. Online systems are a convenient solution because they allow each employee to log in to a central system and self-report time.

5. Save data better with automated data backups and streamline your business operations

A data loss can grind your business to a halt as IT staff try to recover the lost data and restore systems’ functionality. EMC reports that automating data backups can improve IT staff productivity by 55 percent and improve lost productivity caused by data loss by 81 percent.

Automated backup systems back employee data to a cloud-based solution or a physical hard drive on a regular schedule, such as nightly or weekly. After the initial setup, which can take several hours for IT staff, automated backups do not require hands-on time from any staff.