The Key to a Successful Unemployment: Monetization

unemployment monetization

While the clear-cut solution to unemployment revolves around tailoring your resume and nailing the interview, there are other strategies less often talked about that are nonetheless extremely important. what about the monetization?

While most advice revolves around finding a job, much less is said about the basic survival strategies necessary to stay afloat financially. And with unemployment as a full-time problem, it’s important to think of full-time solutions rather than sticking to the job hunt and hoping for the best.

One of the best ways to keep your finances healthy, expand your professional network, and make optimal use of your time is to monetize your hobbies. To borrow words from someone else, “If you’re good at something, never do it for free.” (And while Batman nemesis The Joker might not be the ideal role model, his words ring true when it comes to making the most of your time between jobs.)

So, should you be getting paid for something you’re doing for free? And how can you leverage this to bring in some income during periods of unemployment?

Identify Your Skills and Assess Your Professional Aspirations

…identify which of your skills are most likely to reach influencers in your field of interest.

Whether you’re a writer, filmmaker, musician, or an expert on any particular subject matter, there’s a way to earn a few dollars here and there. It’s first important to identify which of your skills are most likely to reach influencers in your field of interest. While many of us enjoy playing guitar, contributing another cover of “Freebird” on Youtube isn’t likely to impress future employers. Instead, concentrate on what can improve your presence within your niche.

For example, if you’re a marketer, concentrate on how you can reach those who hire marketers – by targeting influential marketing blogs, for example. If you’re seeking work as a teacher, consider tutoring youth to expand your experiences. No matter what your skills are, monetization can take place through a variety of channels with varying results. But the important part is pursuing an avenue for your skill which can furnish your resume and expand your professional network.

Here a few great ways you can achieve this:

  • Offer your skills as a tutoring service through personal ads, social media, or Craigslist. That one-on-one time can generate potential leads for future clients and greatly expand your sphere of influence within your niche over time.
  • Establish a blog or vlog (a video blog) demonstrating your knowledge or skill in the subject. Besides making you look like an authority, you can also gain revenue through advertising.
  • Contribute content to other sites or blogs where influencers in your field of interest are active. Even if you aren’t directly compensated for this work, you’ll vastly improve your professional network while attracting interest in your other hobbies – which can result in extra revenue.

These are only a few of many ways you can reach out to others online to monetize your hobbies. By enhancing your presence through these practices, you’ll be ahead financially and head and shoulders above your peers when it comes to appearing qualified during the job hunt. Exploring means of revenue such as these are not only a means to earning a dollar, but they’re crucial in demonstrating your level of engagement in your chosen profession.

What else would you recommend for unemployed individuals to remain proactive and financially stable during their job search?

Author: Frank McCourt is an author with IncomeAssure, a supplemental unemployment insurance provider in the United States. When he isn’t brainstorming financial strategies with others online, he enjoys hiking through the mountains of Idaho with his kids.