Is Managed File Transfer Software Right For Your Company? 3 Ways to Tell

Managed File Transfer

You’ve probably heard about Managed File Transfer (MFT). Aside from making it easier to transfer files between users, MFT improves security, enhances collaboration, and can be invaluable when it comes to integrating processes. According to experts, it’s one of the best things that happened to workplace management in the past decade.

But, the question you might already be asking is – do I really need it? Would it be worthwhile ditching my File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or Secure FTP for managed file transfer?

To be honest, there isn’t a straightforward answer here. To help you arrive at an informed decision, we recommend that you ask yourself three simple questions;

1. What type of data do you deal with?

Different companies deal with different types of data. For some companies, all they ever deal with are pictures from the last office party. Others deal with X12, Edifact, XML, and other standardized EDI formats. And others mostly send flat files.

Certainly, if the files you deal with are casual, then sending them as email attachments would be fine. However, if you’re dealing with complex file formats, then you need to think about many other factors such as whether the message might get distorted along the way. In such circumstances, to avoid guesswork, it’s better to use MFT since this is the most reliable way to send sensitive data.

The file size is also important when you decide. For example, choose a fast file transfer service that will allow you to send up to 10 TB if you need to send a large file.

2. How much data do you send?

This is another key determinant. In some companies, file-sharing goes on for the better part of the day because of the high need for collaboration. So, you’ll have a lot of files being sent to different offices, sometimes even to destinations outside the premise. In other companies, files are only exchanged a few times per week.

If your company falls into the first category, you would immensely benefit from Managed File Transfer. Think of the time you spend composing emails and waiting for the file to be attached. That alone could be consuming a large portion of your time. MFT software allows you to drag and drop files into a folder and just with that the files would be on their way to the recipient.

3. Would additional security be necessary?

Tied to the first point, not all data is created equal. Some files are naturally more important to our organizations than others. As such, for some files, you may need additional security to ensure that the message reaches the destination as intended. Unfortunately, hackers are always lurking on the internet, waiting for an opportunity to pry into your files.

It goes without saying that you need Managed File Transfer to keep these bad guys at bay and ensure that all of your files reach the recipient safely. Among others, MFT programs encrypt files before sending them so that no one can interfere with your data along the way.

There are many other reasons businesses are migrating to Managed File Transfer, including the fact that it’s also cheaper in the long run. Simply put, if you can make the shift today, don’t waste any more time.