6 Steps to Create Your Facebook Campaign Strategy

6 Steps to Create Your Facebook Campaign Strategy

You already know that, in large part, your small business will depend on social media advertising. Having this in mind and the popularity of Facebook as a social media platform, you will need to create your Facebook campaign strategy to reach your target market.

Today, Facebook is the most used social media platform, with more than one billion daily active users. It is evident that this platform can be useful for you and your small business.

But, approaching wrong on Facebook will not bring you the results you want to achieve. Because of that, here are six steps you can use to create your Facebook campaign strategy to reach as many of the right people for your small business as possible.

1. Start with the Social Media SWOT Analysis

The first step in developing your Facebook campaign strategy is to implement a social media SWOT analysis. Before you do anything, not only on Facebook but on all social media your small business will use, first perform a social media SWOT analysis. With the SWOT analysis, you want to assess the strengths and weaknesses of your company on different social media, including Facebook as interior elements and the opportunities and threats as external elements.

2. Define the Goals of Your Campaign as a Part of Your Facebook Campaign Strategy

Like everything else you do in your business, you will need to start with the clear goals and outcomes you want to achieve with your campaigns on Facebook. Is it increasing the engagement with your target market, or you want to increase the sales in the promotion period? Different goals and accomplishments will require different Facebook campaign designs. Also, you can use SMART goals that will help you develop exceptional goals for your Facebook campaigns.

3. Define Your Target Market on Facebook

If you want to succeed with your campaigns, you will need to have a clear definition of your target market. Who you want to reach? Because you already have your goals and what you want to accomplish, you can start with this information. You don’t want to reach billions of people who are not your ideal customers.

Define your target market using following criteria:

  1. Location – from where are your prospects?
  2. Gender – are they males or females?
  3. Persons who didn’t like your page.
  4. Likes – What they like on Facebook?

Applying these criteria will narrow down the persons as your ideal customers you want to reach with your Facebook campaign.

4. Define Your Facebook Campaign Budget and Schedule

The next thing you will need to define as a part of your Facebook campaign strategy is how much money you want to spend and when your Facebook campaign will run. Changing the budget box on Facebook while you create the campaign will tell you the predictions about possible reach. So, based on your goals and what you want to achieve with your Facebook campaigns, you need to choose the right budget.

Additionally, in this step, when you already decide about the budget, think about the timing of your campaign. This will also depend on your total budget for the specific campaign and your daily budget. How much time will be enough to reach your ideal customers to ensure that your campaign will be successful? You need to answer this question.

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5. Design Several Advertising Campaigns

The fifth step of building your Facebook campaign strategy is to design several advertising campaigns. For this purpose, you can use the AIDA model covering four stages through which an individual goes through the buying process for your products or services. It is like a sales funnel where customers go from awareness, interest, desire, and action. So, your campaign will need to be designed to successfully lead potential customers through the process until they become real customers.

AIDA - Facebook Campaign Strategy

Try to include in the creatives of your Facebook ads all components of the AIDA model.

Facebook Campaign Strategy - Ad Components

6. Test the Performance of Your Facebook Ads

Your small business must get the biggest possible ROI on each of your invested advertising dollars. This can be done only if you use an adequate measuring and testing process. Because of that, this Facebook campaign strategy will need to cover activities that will enable you to test and continuously optimize your Facebook ads.

You can use Facebook’s Ad Manager and real-time reporting capabilities to test, measure, and optimize your ads to give you the best possible results.

Now you have your Facebook campaign strategy, and you are ready to start bringing new customers to your small business.