9 Leadership Types: Which One Are You?

type of leader

As anyone who has studied leadership will testify, it’s an academic’s dream. There is a huge amount of theory around, and this is resulting in a much better pedigree of the modern-day leader.

It means that a lot of leaders who are currently working within the industry are asking what do you need to do an MBA? These qualifications aren’t something that just looks good on paper, they provide practical guidance that can be applied immediately.

Today’s article is going to take a look at a small element of leadership theory, penned by author Beatrice Chestnut. She has established nine different types of leadership, based on personalities, and through the course of this page, we will look at each one.

The work tasks and goals leader

Someone who falls into this category is all about productivity. This is evident in the way they work, as they strive to be as efficient in each task they are charged with. The upshot of this is that their aim is to be viewed as someone who achieves goals successfully.

The quality leader

This time, it’s all about doing everything as perfect as possible and improving every task that they participate in. A leader of this type will be extremely ethical and ensure they always abide by high standards.

The innovating leader

The name should be in the title of this next type. This type of leader will be pushing boundaries in relation to new ideas and always looking to the future. There is a degree of optimism about their work and they strive to rarely talk about negatives.

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The problem leader

Despite the name, this isn’t necessarily bad. This type of leader picks out things which might go wrong, in a bid to forecast possible problems. They are generally very insightful and an excellent troubleshooter.

The harmony leader

If you fall into this category, you are all about listening to different people’s points of views. You will mediate when possible and your leadership style is leading by consensus.

The pleasing people leader

In some ways, this is a similar type to the previous one. A leader falling into this category will strive to be liked and aim to create relationships whenever possible. They can sometimes be political as well; with their relationships often being strategic so that they are viewed as a crucial member of a team.

The emotive leader

This time, it’s all about the leader expressing themselves. Their view is to make people understand them as easy as possible – whilst also retaining quite a unique persona.

The controlling leader

Contrary to the name, this again isn’t a negative type of leadership. Leaders in this category like to look at the big picture and will comb through the fine details in a bid to get the full story. It means that they are often very good at dealing with conflict.

The data type of leader

We spoke about the emotive leader earlier, and this is in stark contrast. These types of leaders have much more interest in working independently and rely on data to make analytical decisions.