How Much Can You Save by Switching to Vaporization?

switching to vaporization

You’ve probably heard that vaporization is more efficient and cheaper than smoking. But, before you purchase your first vape starter kit, you might want to know if this is true. Overall, vaporization has many advantages. It’s cleaner, more flavourful, and healthier than smoking. The vaporization price tag might be hefty. However, people overlook the money that vaporizing can save in the long run.

What differentiates an investment from expenditure is whether there is an expected return. Essentially, both are simple cash outflows. However, an investment entails getting money back and making more from it. From this perspective, switching to vaporization is a decent investment.

Smoking Costs

Smoking cigarettes costs differently depending on the location of a smoker and the number of cigarette packs smoked every day. According to the American Lung Association, a cigarette pack costs an average of about $18.8. This price is less than that of ideal vapes with basic vape kits selling at around $20.

At first, this might not seem much. However, when you consider the number of cigarettes that you smoke every day, the amount increases. A single smoker consuming a single pack every day will spend approximately $2,011 on cigarettes every year. People that smoke 2 to 3 packs per day spend about $4,022 to 6,033 on cigarettes every year.

In some states, cigarettes tend to be more expensive. For instance, smokers in New York spend more than $5,000 on cigarettes per year. That means the smoker will spend about $50,000 on cigarettes in a span of ten years.

Effects of Smoking on Productivity

Research shows that non-smokers earn more than smokers. This wage gap is attributed to productivity loss, workplace bias, and health-related absences. On average, a non-smoker earns 8% more than a smoker with a similar background. For a smoker whose hourly wage is $25, this loss can mean a whopping $275 a month and $3,306 a year.

News reports indicate that New York smokers with an income of not more than $30,000 spend 25% on cigarettes. They also pay almost 40% of their earnings on the cigarette tax. This is even disheartening considering that the poorest Americans spend about 1.5% of their average $25,000 spending on smoking supplies and tobacco products. However, this percentage can even be higher because smoking is not something that households do with the same moderation.

Effects of Smoking on Healthcare Cost

According to CDC, the American Healthcare System spends about $300 billion every year on smoking-related issues. $170 million of this goes to medical costs for illnesses that are related to smoking. $156 million goes to smokers’ lost productivity. $5.6 million goes to productivity that is lost because of second-hand smoke. This is the general effect of smoking on healthcare cost at the society level.

As an individual, you can save the money that you spend on healthcare by switching to vaporization. Generally, health is affected by smoking directly. Smoking has the potential to cause or increase the risk of developing many illnesses. Essentially, smoking increases the early mortality risk. The effects of traditional cigarettes can be reduced by investing in a vape pen starter kit that eliminates the harmful substances in cigarette smoke.

The negative effects of smoking on health are recognized by insurance companies. As such, smokers are seen as customers with a higher risk. With Obama care, insurers are allowed to add up to 50% to the insurance cost for smokers. However, the policy mandates that insurance plans provide smokers access to programs that help them quit without additional charges.

This risk increases insurance rates. As such, when you quit smoking, you save money. Insurance companies have insurance plans whose rates are increased by a specific amount. But, smokers can pay more by up to 4 times than non-smokers. The amount that you save by switching to vaporization or quitting smoking comes in the form of reduced health insurance premiums.

How Much Will You Save When You Switch To Vaporization?

The amount that you will save when you switch to vaporization will vary depending on several factors. These include where you live, the number of packs that you currently smoke every day, and smoking-related health issues that you may have developed already. But, statistics show that on average, you can save between $1,660 and $3,820 per year when you switch to vaporization.

This is a significant amount that can be channeled to better uses like buying food, healthcare, shelter, job training and education among others. Such uses have numerous benefits especially for households with lower income.

Bear in mind the fact that smoking costs extend beyond the price of cigarettes. For instance, smoking comes with increased maintenance and cleaning costs. It also lowers the resale value for cars and houses of smokers. What’s more, smokers spend larger amounts on cough drops and breath mints.

Switching to vaporization reduces or eliminates these expenses. Additionally, families of former smokers save money over time by avoiding health costs that are associated with health harms and diseases that are caused by second-hand smoke exposure.

The Bottom Line

You stand to save money by switching to vaporization. The initial cost of buying vaporization devices can be high especially if you go for high-end devices. But, this expense is only on the vaping hardware that is required to replace smoking. Nevertheless, the best hardware is durable and sturdy. If you use the same device longer, you will get a return on your investment within months. That’s because you will need e-liquid, wire, and cotton only.

Nevertheless, you stand to save a significant amount of your money when you switch to vaporization especially when you view it from an annual scale perspective. However, the most important thing is the fact that you protect your health from the negative effects of harmful cigarette smoke. This is very important because no amount of money can compare to your health. Therefore, if money savings are yet to convince you to buy the best vape device, do it for the benefit of your health.

About the author: Lisa Aaron is a blogger from Sacramento. Writes about a healthy lifestyle, is interested in gender studies, and doesn’t talk about politics.