How To Ace Your Multiple Mini Interview?


Every interview can be daunting if you haven’t prepared adequately. Even if you have done your research, hoping you haven’t missed something can cause concern. As it is harder to predict what will be asked, mini-interviews can cause a lot of stress. To help you stay relaxed, and get the most out of your interview, here are some things to remember.

Understand the Process

Given that multiple mini interviews (MMI) are different from traditional interviews, you want to make sure you know what to expect. Some companies share their interview manual and will expect you to show a deeper level of understanding. Some of the main things you will be monitored on include communications skills, suitability, and how well you can put your argument across.

Find Out More About Your Niche

There are types of questions that you could face that vary depending on your industry. Even so, there are things you can do to prepare. For example, if you are in the health care field, you want to focus on your specialty as well as general healthcare laws and practices. No matter what your field, there are resources available online that can stop you from slipping up when asked tricky questions. Multiple mini interview preperation can be made simple with mock interviews and MMI stimulations.

Make a Good First Impression

Don’t be so worried about the interview that you forget to greet your interviewer in the right way. Act confident, even when it feels difficult. Remember that an MMI test is also a test of how suitable you are. Companies are less likely to hire someone who has forgotten to shake hands or has nervous energy from the moment they enter the room.

Re-Read the Prompts

Before you go into the interview, make sure you keep the information you need fresh in your mind.  By preparing yourself with common interview questions, you give yourself the chance to provide a more considered response. This is what the interviewer wants, a clear answer. Rambling for too long or trying to fill time is worse than getting to the point.

Practice Communication Skills

It isn’t just what you say. It is how you say it. Using body language to communicate is key. How you present your body, maintain eye contact, and much more will be just as important as what you say.

Learn How to Fill Silences

Awkward silence is ok if you seem comfortable with it. Another tip that can be useful is making sure you have water with you if allowed—be sure to ask your interviewer for permission. If you take a sip in between silences, it gives you the chance to buy an extra few seconds while you consider what you will say next.

All the above may seem like a lot to remember, but the most important thing is to try to be as natural as possible in your responses.  As employers are looking at how you respond to questions, you need to make sure you are prepared in many different ways. An MMI is not like a standard interview, make sure you are a candidate that can cope with whatever they throw at you.