How Much Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

personal injury lawyer

One of the most common questions an NYC Personal Injury Lawyer gets asked is about the worth of personal injury cases. While some people may have read about a settlement which ended in several hundreds of thousands, they may feel they are entitled to the same amount based on the similarity of their case. This is however not true as each personal injury case is different from another.

If you are curious as to what your personal injury case is worth, then, you should also seek to know what contributes to the overall worth of a personal injury case.

Personal Injury Cases In New York

New York is a no-fault state. This means that you will usually seek reimbursement for damages from your insurance company against the other person’s insurance company. While this is the standing rule for no-fault states, this may not apply in all situations as there are a few exceptions. However, you should speak to an experienced and qualified personal injury attorney who is able to recommend the right course of action to you.

In any accident claim, it is important for you to remember that there are certain things you should do to protect your interests and your right to full compensation from the insurance company. One of those required steps is to file a police report by inviting the police to the scene of the incident and furnishing them with as much information as you remember the about accident, including when and where it happened, the weather conditions, and more. If the police report that has been filed indicates that the accident occurred due to the fault of the other driver, then you might be able to file a claim against the other driver’s insurance company, even in the state of New York, provided all provisions required by the law are met.

Do I Need A Personal Injury Attorney?

Whether you have chosen to pursue a claim against your own insurance company or the other driver’s, there is the need for you to work with a personal injury attorney who is in a better position to represent your interests and make sure that all the legally required steps are taken towards receiving the compensation you deserve.

Dealing with a personal injury case can be overwhelming, especially when you need as much time as possible to recuperate and return to your normal health. Hiring an attorney could save you a whole lot of stress allowing you to better concentrate on healing from the injuries. In addition, you will need all the professional help you can get from the attorney, especially in determining the worth of your case. Handling things yourself may become harder at the point where you have to calculate the damages to be recovered in the claim.

While most people would rather consider online claim valuation sites, it is important to note that these online calculators will fail to consider some of the most important facts of the case which may increase or decrease the total amount for which you are entitled to in compensation.

Working with an attorney will however ensure that the value of the personal injury claim is tied both to the past, present, and future medical bills, prescription cost, transportation to and from the hospital, rehabilitation cost, property damages, and other recoverable items including lost wages, loss of earning power, loss of quality of life and more. First of all, you need to think about what to ask your injury attorney.

Your attorney can also better calculate some abstract and non-monetary values like compensation for the pain and suffering, emotional distress and trauma which you have been made to go through as a result of the injuries sustained and accident.

Working with an attorney removes the emotional attachment to your personal injury claim as no doubt, you will believe that your claim is worth more than it actually is when handling it yourself. Your attorney is also skilled and experienced in negotiation, putting you in a better condition, especially when the insurance company makes advances of settlement offers.

Have You Suffered Injuries?

Personal injury accidents can lead to a wide range of injuries. Some of the injuries resulting from personal injury accidents can be devastating, affecting the quality of life of the victim and in some cases resulting in death. Commonly reported injuries resulting from personal injury accidents include brain injuries, hip and/or shoulder displacement resulting from slip and fall accidents, neck pain, back pain and whiplash resulting from car accidents, broken limbs, damaged internal organs, head injuries and more resulting from motorcycle accidents and more.

If you have been involved in a personal injury accident, please reach out to a qualified NYC Personal Injury Lawyer to ensure the protection of your rights.