5 Steps to Engaging Employees on Everyday Wellness

wellness activities

When it comes to improving well-being in the organization, there is a lot more involved than simply implementing well-being initiatives. For results to be seen, it’s imperative that your employees actually participate in well-being programs like wellness activities.

However, for some organizations, engaging employees on everyday wellness can be a big challenge. So, whether wellbeing has been your organization’s focus for years or you’re just launching a wellbeing program for the first time, here are some of the ways you can engage your employees.

Keep things simple

Employees who participate in well-being programs are more satisfied with their jobs, but motivating your staff to be engaged can be challenging. One way to motivate employees, however, is to keep things simple.

While this may not surprise employees, they are more likely to register for well-being programs when it’s easy for them. When well-being activities are accessible and convenient for all employees, they are more likely to be engaged in wellness activities.

Communicate your well-being program effectively

Effective communication is key to engaging your employees in wellness. The Harvard Business Review found that 69% of nonparticipants of wellbeing programs were simply unaware that their employers had a wellbeing program in place.

Your employees need to be aware of your wellness program’s great perks. Start by communicating the company’s wellness goals and activities regularly with staff. Give your staff enough information to understand what your wellness program is all about, send out email blasts, and include wellness updates in meetings.

Offer incentives

For some employees, to engage them in wellness programs, they want an incentive for doing so, even if they are aware of the benefits such programs offer. Therefore, offering incentives is one way to increase employee engagement in wellness.

Rewards could be focused on health items such as gym memberships, gift cards to an athletic store or even fitness tracking devices. Other incentives could include recognition for participating in programs or financial rewards such as cashback offers.

Lead by example

One way to get your employees to engage in everyday wellness is to lead by example. From the CEO to managers to ground-level employees, it’s important that everyone uses wellness activities. Therefore, to properly engage employees, business leaders must lead with their actions as well as their words.

Managers and leaders need to set an example for their employees by engaging in wellness activities on a day-to-day basis. This will set a standard in the company and let your employees know that wellness activities are a part of the company’s culture. Employees will see leaders engaging in wellness activities and, as a result, follow suit.

Personalize your wellness programs

For employees to be engaged in wellness activities, it’s only right that these activities are personalized to them. Having a customized approach to wellness will not only help to increase participation but also let your employees know they are valued.

Personalizing your organization’s approach to wellness doesn’t have to be difficult, either. For example, a wellness program provides a modern approach to employee wellbeing, offering well-being content that’s personalized to employees.