What are the Qualities of a Good Employee?

employees quality

Good Managers and Leaders know that in order for their employees to do their best, the motivation needs to be right.   Research has shown that highly engaged individuals will perform better and go beyond their performance targets.

Motivational experts suggest that all individuals have their own distinctive blend of motivators.  Therefore, by learning what these motivators are in your employees, managers and leaders are better able to adapt to their employees and help them to succeed in their specific tasks.

Much research evidence shows that feelings of well- being and success are not just about money, like for instance, Intertops casino no deposit bonus, but can be influenced by individual motivators being met.

It has been suggested that there are no less than nine different types of workers/employees: The Defender, the Friend, The Star, The Director, The Builder, The Expert, The Creator, The Spirit, The Searcher.

The Defender

These workers are looking for stability. They like a set routine with well- established career paths.  Security and predictability are important to them and they will likely look for firmly established companies and organizations.

Communication with this type of employee is a key factor in boosting motivation. Managers and leaders should communicate regularly with these employees. |Giving them regular updates about the progress of the company and how it is doing, especially when things are going well.  They are looking for continuity and, therefore, frequent emails, briefings and communication from managers is crucial.  Managers communicating on a regular basis what is expected of them will give them the support they need to achieve their goals. They should be rewarded for their loyalty.

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The Friend

These employees are good team players.  They are looking for a sense of belonging in the workplace.   Friendships and fulfilling relationships are important factors in motivating them to do well.  They will flourish in organizations where there is a good team spirit. Lots of social activities and opportunities to get involved and help out.

In order to motivate these employees, they need to feel involved and supported.   Seeking their opinion and involving them in the working environment, and in the developing of social events will give them more of a sense of belonging and show that their contribution is valued.

The Star

Status and recognition, together with respect are high on the list of these employees.   They are looking for the opportunity to stand out.   Perks and rewards linked to their position will motivate them.

A clear career path will be important to them with regular structured reviewing of their work. They like to stand out and therefore involvement in projects which will enhance their status is a big motivating factor.   Receiving positive feedback for achievements will be well received and should be done publicly as they love any chance to shine.

The Director

These employees like to lead. They want to manage people and need to be in a position where they are in control of people and responsible for resources.  Promotion and career prospects need to be very clear and observable.  Giving them lots of responsibility and possibilities of bigger projects will really motivate them as they love to be challenged.

Status is important and giving them a title that reflects the power that they have will be a good motivating factor.   Having a mentor, or receiving further training to push them further will also be very motivating for them.

The Builder

This type of employee’s main motivation is money and other types of material perks.  They are seeking a high salary and are interested in high rewards for their performance.    They will be interested in professions where the ladder to promotion is highly visible and the pay is high.  They like to be challenged and like to see a clear promotional path ahead.

They like responsibility and are very competitive.   In order to motivate these employees, regular reviews should be made and more challenges should be developed for them especially those linked to monetary rewards.  Their competitiveness could also be encouraged with competitions and perhaps sporting activities.

The Expert

The expert is the type of person that seeks a profession where knowledge and specialization is required.   |They like to have their skill and mastery of knowledge recognized.  Promotion for these employees needs to be linked to training and development or mentoring.  Promotion leading to recognition of their mastery.  This is a big motivational key factor for them.

They enjoy sharing and giving over their knowledge and specialization.  They should be encouraged to share their skills and to meet and liaise with other experts to share knowledge.

The Creator

These employees are big problem solvers.  They will seek out jobs in organizations involved in development and innovation.  A big motivation for them is being involved in solving problems and situations where originality is required.

They need to be rewarded for these unique skills and challenged regularly or they will become bored and disinterested.   The more stimulating and challenging the projects, the more motivated they will become.  So providing regular boosts for creative thinking will be rewarded with a highly motivated employee.

The Spirit

This person likes to work independently. They will choose work that offers them the freedom to make their own decisions and organize their own time. They like taking responsibility and will be motivated by the company sharing their goals and then allowing the employee to work independently to reach them.  The less rules and procedures required of them the better.  The less bureaucracy involved, the more motivated they will be.  This person seeks freedom.

The Searcher

The searcher is looking to make a difference in the world and through the work place.  They are looking for purpose and meaning.  They will seek out organizations where caring-orientated projects are involved and where there is some consumer interaction and opportunities.  They will be motivated by regular reviews and praise.   It is important to them that their work “makes a difference” and so it is important that they feel they are doing important work and that they are able to see the bigger picture.

Using the above descriptions of employee types and understanding their specific motivational markers can greatly aid management in helping and directing the energies of their employees.