How Betting Affiliate Programs Work

How Betting Affiliate Programs Work

Affiliate programs pretty much form one of the most important parts of furthering any business endeavor. There was a time when people who would want their business to reach out to their target audience would promote their business through the ‘word-of-mouth’ technique.

One person would know about the products and services that a particular business enterprise has to offer, and then he/she would go about enlightening someone else about the services, who would then inform someone else, and the chain would continue. However, with rapid technological advancement and development in almost every sector, things changed for the better, and organizations now do not have to depend on the ‘word-of-mouth’ technique to take their business endeavors to the millions out there. We have public relations, social media marketing, search engine optimization, and the like to promote our business affairs.

The other tool which serves to be quite potent in drawing more traffic and increasing the conversion rate for a business organization is affiliation, or what is otherwise known as an affiliate program.

The aim of this article is to examine how affiliate programs work in the case of betting so that you can make the right choices when it comes to making decisions regarding betting affiliate programs. However, it is vital that you are enlightened enough to be able to make any decision when it comes to betting affiliate programs, for the simple fact that betting and gambling are quite volatile. They require careful introspection before one can venture into this area.

Understanding Cost Per Acquisition and Revenue Share:

It is pretty simple to understand the way betting affiliate programs reward you. You are either paid an amount (which is the cost) per client you acquire or are paid a percentage of the revenue they make from the conversion of potential clients. Affiliate programs are basically a third party, or something like a mediator, that introduces your business to people through a promotion on their website.

Now, for every client, the affiliate program hands over to the main business website, which is betting in our case, the affiliate partner get a share of the profit or a fixed amount. If an affiliate program, in the case of betting deals with paid revenues, the percentage of the revenue is usually set somewhere at 25% to 30%.

Also, it would pique your interest to learn about the fact that in the case of revenue share, the affiliate gets the commission for the entire duration of the client’s activity with the betting company. Therefore, if you were to take your pick between choosing revenue share and cost per acquisition, it would probably be wise enough to go for the option of revenue share. The choice, though, does not always lie in the hands of the affiliate. But in an ideal and utopian situation, revenue share should be the way to go. There are several websites and programs that you can refer to if you want to learn more about affiliate marketing. For instance, you could check the boomtown bingo affiliate program list and understand how they go about their affiliate marketing.

Process of Tracking the Referred Clients By The Betting Companies:

Now that we know the difference between cost per acquisition and revenue share in the case of betting, we shall shed some light on the process of tracking the referred clients by these companies. When you start promoting the betting company on your website as their affiliate, you are given a unique URL that you must link to the specific text on your website.

As soon as a visitor to your website clicks on the link, he/she would be directed to the betting website. If the referred client happens to join the betting company within a 45-day time window, a cookie starts tracking him/her by tagging the client within the system. For every client you introduce to the betting company, you earn 25% of the gross profit of the betting company.

The Report And Statistics of Affiliate Marketing:

It is quite easy to view the statistics and manage reports of affiliate programs. You, as an affiliate of the betting company, will be given a username and password with which you can log in to check the number of referrals you have made. You can also keep tabs on the activities of your referred client so that you are well aware of the situation.


Betting affiliate programs or any affiliate program for that matter is something that you can think of as a means of livelihood. It pays well to stay in the game and keep referring clients to the betting company because you are then entitled to at least 25% of the company’s gross profit, which is quite a handsome amount. There is quite a lot of apprehension when it comes to betting and gambling. But, when you look at the concepts through the eyes of an affiliate marketer, you will see that there is a huge scope to make a career out of it.