What Office Amenities Attract Top Employees?

office amenities

The modern-day employee is less motivated by the lone influence of remuneration and is instead willing to compromise on salary for the benefit of amenities and balance. Employers today need to consider the broader needs of their employees and look for ways to offer supplementary benefits to attract the new top employees.

With a plethora of options available on the market, it can be hard to sift through and find the right option for you. If you’re on the hunt for the best talent and want to know the office amenities that will help attract them, consider these solutions.

Lower their ‘daily’ expenses

A great way to attract top talent into your business is to consider how you might lower the expenses they experience daily as a result of working. One of those expenses for a lot of employees is their daily caffeine hit. ‘In coffee, we trust’ is almost the first slogan on a lot of employees’ mood boards, especially in coffee-crazed cities like Melbourne. In fact, almost all Melbourne employees are looking firstly for the coffee machines in Melbourne offices. Saving employees money on their daily coffee can equate to thousands of dollars a year, the kind of savings that top employees will consider very seriously. Be sure to do your research on all of the available options, including beans, maintenance, and the skill required to operate.

Agile spaces

If you haven’t heard, sitting is the new smoking, so any role that requires a lot of sitting is in need of an overhaul. Potential employees for your business won’t have missed this fact either, so be prepared with solutions is the best way to attract the top talent. The easiest way to combat this sedentary concern is to offer more agile working spaces. This includes offering to stand up desks, implementing policies for walking meetings and offering options for desk chairs. Stand-up desks are arguably the best solution to this problem as they give employees a choice of when to stand and stretch, and when to sit and power through. With automatic or mechanical options available, be sure to offer employees choice if you want to attract the best talent into your business.


The merging of life and work has never been more important for employees seeking new opportunities. The work-life balance age is giving way to a more blended reality, so making sure you have the facilities to aid in this blend is crucial to attracting the top talent. Exercising at the gym before work or cycling to work are now favorites for a lot of employees, so be sure to have spaces where employees can shower and get ready at the office, instead of having to go home in between. Prepare and offer all of the things employees may need to get these jobs done, like ironing boards, hairdryers and even smaller amenities like deodorant will go a long way.

Make work fun

There is a real agency stereotype for a saying like ‘having fun at work’, but modern offices need to cater for fun as well as work if they want to attract the best employees. Amenities such as ping pong tables, board games, or even a foosball table are great ways to introduce a little fun to your office. Offering a little fun is a great way to attract new talent and motivate your current workforce as well.

Attracting top talent is about more than just the salary on offer. In an age where work and life are merging more and more by the day, attracting top talent is about the amenities you offer as much as it is about the pay. Use these simple solutions to make sure your office has the right amenities to attract the top talent you need.

10 Incredible Workplace Perks to Attract Top Talent

Your dream is to hire super cool, creative people who are great at what they do and make the office fun. But you’re standing in line with every other entrepreneur in the world to attract top talent. The best way to skip to the head of the line?

Offer great employee perks. Talented workers know there are some things money can’t buy. So they’re looking for companies who recognize their worth with other amazing incentives. Your incentives program should vary according to the type of employees you want to hire—and your business goals. For instance, letting your teamwork remotely will save money on office space and attract eco-conscious people who want to conserve time and fuel by not commuting. This top ten list to attract top talent from Company Folders reveals 9 more of the most desirable workplace incentives—and how they benefit you.

what top talent really wants