15 Tips for an Organized Move

organized move

Having an organized move can be the difference between living a highly stressful process and having an incredible experience when starting a new stage in your new home.

Here are 15 great tips that have worked for my clients over the years and that I’m happy to share with you so you can move from chaos to order!

1. Clean up before the move, not after

  • I can’t stress enough that you don’t get the same thing from point A to point B. When you arrive at a new home it’s like starting from scratch; new life, new energy, new opportunities for a clean slate. And when you take ALL the things without DEPURATION it is like taking the past to a new space.
  • Free yourself from attachments and start from scratch! I recommend that you support yourself with signs to help you clean up the process before you move. Remember: donation, trash, friends and family, and recycling.

2. Assemble a moving folder

  • Living a move is a stress that we all experience even though we are the coolest in the world. We deal with a lot of papers, contracts, receipts, data, lists, phones, quotes, services and more, plus in the middle of a move it can disappear and drive you crazy.
  • If you have EVERYTHING related to your move in one place, you can concentrate on what’s going on around you without the stress of losing something or not finding an important piece of information you need at the time.
  • I apply the assembly of a “moving” folder in which I separate by categories I need and save myself a headache. Try it!

3. Create a packing kit by hand

  • Usually cleaning and packing our house takes a long time, and when there are more family members involved, we all want to get ahead and do things in our free time. Which means that when you want to use the cinnamon tape, you obviously can’t find it because “someone else” used it. And so with the scissors and the down, etc.
  • So I recommend that you have your “special moving kit” where you have EVERYTHING you need to pack so that you always have everything on hand and don’t waste time looking for things. If you ever wondering Where can I buy a used gaylord box? Click on that link and you’ll have all the information you might need.

4. Set colors for each room with labels

  • When things finally arrive at the new house, what I always hear is the movers saying, “Where do I leave this box?” about 30 times. And you with the nerve and everything that’s going on around you just say “anywhere” and then you see, ha ha.
  • I propose that to save you the back pain of the next week, you make a system of colored labels for each room and pack accordingly.
  • It’s very easy to stamp the boxes depending on which room each one goes to, and then put a card of that color in each room, so the movers will only have to follow colors and not wait for instructions from you. Sounds good, right?

5. Change clothes hanging out effortlessly

  • With a large plastic bag, cover the piles of clothes from bottom to top and tie a knot in the top.
  • Take the hooks off and take them in the car to your new home.
  • When you get there, all you have to do is hang it up and take the bag off. Done! You change your hanging clothes in 2 easy steps.
  • Remember to reuse the plastic bags.

6. Use small boxes to carry books and cut a triangle on the sides to make carrying them easier without hurting yourself

  • Total error saving ALL your books in the larger boxes; they can be unpacked and you need the Hulk to load them later. Even if you are not moving, you can still get your hands on the backs of the movers and leave less volume and weight in the smaller boxes.