5 Things to Look for in a Business Coach

business coach

So, you’re thinking of hiring a business coach, huh? That’s good. All entrepreneurs and business people need great coaches. But if you’ve spent any length of time looking, chances are you’ve been bombarded with so many options that you’re kind of stuck at a place of indecision.

If this is what you’re dealing with, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many people deal with the same problem of making the right choice. And that’s understandable considering that the wrong coach can be both a waste of time and money.

This is why we’ll help you choose the best one for your situation by showing you what you should look for in a business coach. Once you figure out what to look for, and tie it to your needs, you’ll be able to hire the right coach who will help you navigate your unique and complex problems.

Ease of Access

You should be able to have access to your coach anytime you want. The best way this works is to have a set schedule and have an agreement about how to reach them during an emergency.

Most business coaches understand the importance of a fixed schedule but are also smart enough to be flexible in emergencies. They know that just one insight or idea from them can save a “sinking ship”, and put out dangerous “fires”.

So, look for one who is firm, but flexible if necessary. Being able to access your coach is very important. Don’t take this for granted.

Has Huge Expectations of You

Sometimes, when you’re in the dregs, you need someone you look up to who can inspire you to do more because they know you’re capable. They can also be someone who can proffer unique perspectives to your problems.

This is what and who an ideal business coach should be to you. By their actions, you’ll be able to tell if they believe in you, your dreams, visions, and have big expectations of you.

These expectations are usually reasonable and indicative of their real belief in you. It’s easy to tell if your business coach believes in you. Their words and actions show this. If they need to be honest –which they usually are- they will be. Sometimes, brutally so.

And when they need to boost your confidence, they will. Also, because they know you can be your best version possible, they’re not beyond chastising and even firing you as a client if you keep underperforming.

Why? Because it’s both a waste of their time and yours, as well as your money.

Expertise in Your Industry

One of the reasons for hiring a business coach is to solve key problems that are unique to your industry. This means you need a coach that understands your unique problems.

An ideal business coach would be someone who has walked the path you’re currently on and can help you navigate the landmines you’re currently dealing with.

As much as possible, avoid generalist coaches. These are coaches who are everywhere and in all industries.  These people may be insightful, but they may not be able to provide a custom solution to your problems. If you’re looking for a big picture coach, many generalist coaches.

At best, they may only provide you with a superficial solution or insight. If you’ll be paying top dollar, you’ll need someone who can dig a lot deeper; someone who knows the industry and is well known in the industry.

For example, if you’re looking for a coaching-expert in Zurich, Switzerland who is a marketing mastermind, it wouldn’t make any sense to go looking for a safety coach in the UK.

Why? Because you need a specific skill set –in this instance, someone familiar with marketing to your industry in Zurich, Switzerland.

Able to Hold You Accountable

Accountability is a huge trait to look out for. They should be able to remind you of what you said you would do, and hold you responsible for it.

They won’t just let you disappear because “life is busy”. They’ll continue to check on you to make sure that you’re on track, even if you haven’t checked in for a while.

This is how man great business coaches transcend the business relationship to being lifelong friends. So, look for a coach who doesn’t joke with your accountability.

Sees the Big Picture

Most entrepreneurs, managers, and leaders are often so stuck in the daily activities of solving problems that they forget to see the big picture. You need a coach who sees the big picture and can help develop systems that will help make that a reality.

Why are systems important? Because they help simplify complex processes and break it down into manageable, bite-sized processes that are easily achievable.

Some other traits to look out for in your business coach include a great attitude, the ability to teach by example –after all, many people do better when they can see the process replicated, and has an amazing mindset that syncs with yours.