Startup Interview Questions: 8 Things Founders Will Ask You

interview questions

Preparing for an interview can be unnerving, more so if the interview is with a startup. The interviewer will want to establish your worth in terms of what you bring to the table and how that will add value to their vision. Even with all the key preparation points covered there’s that small amount of doubt that puts nicks in your confidence. This is most often a result of not fully comprehending what to expect.

Knowing what interview questions you will be asked might not only more thoroughly prepare you for the interview but also boosts your confidence. This is not a how-to document but rather a mix of tips and thought-provoking information that will help guide your groundwork and preparation which will ensure you ace the interview.

Aim To Impress

Pull out all the stops when it comes to making an impact. Briefly stated, this is all about what you can do for them, so your objective is to sell yourself. Do not overlook the importance of body language, verbal communication, and presentation skills. Make time to practice how you stand, how you refer to and address the room, even if the interview is one-on-one. The goal is to sell your skill and expertise with confidence.

Related: 10 Reasons Being An Entrepreneur Is Better Than Employment

Questions You Can Expect

It is significant to remember that the questions may not be asked word for word and can be asked from more than one angle. By way of illustration, we have referred to the first question as an example of the alternative ways a question can be proposed.

What makes you believe you are properly suited for “the company”? OR Why do you believe “the company” is the right fit for you?

No matter how the question is proposed, the goal is to get an accurate perception of who you are and how that translates into establishing if you are a worthy cultural fit for the company.

If you were asked to choose one word to describe yourself, what word would you use?

Knowing how a potential applicant sees themselves properly aligns with the key position for which they are applying. To present an example, a prospective applicant applying for the key position of Creative Director should not utilize a word like safe to typically describe themselves. A better-suited word like creative would traditionally represent a more suitable candidate.

What ideas or suggestions will you set about implementing should you get offered the job?

This question can be proposed in many alternative ways. However, the assessment will be the same. This question allows the interview the ability to get a more adequate understanding of the value the applicant brings to the table in terms of strategy, creativity, and innovation. A startup needs talent that can help expand the company. A qualified applicant can fill the position, but the ideal applicant would be the one that redefines the position.

Briefly describe the riskiest problem you encountered in the last few months and how you approached it?

Open-ended questions create an excellent opportunity for the interviewer to acquire a more specific perception of your communication and problem-solving skills. It additionally offers insight into your ability to handle a particular situation.

Can you briefly describe how you would typically apply your leadership skills to solve substandard performance within your team?

This fundamental question gives the interviewer a broader view of many specific skills and unique expertise. How you deal with and solve a problem is a direct reflection of your abilities. Effective leadership takes:

  • Outstanding communication skills
  • Good listening skills
  • Good character
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Innovation & creativity

Which of our company objectives would you consider to be the most important?

Taking the time to gain an understanding of the company to which you are applying says a lot about your diligence and attention to detail and order. It also gives insight into your planning and organization. skills

Present me with 3 three reasons why you think we should hire you?

This is an excellent opportunity to highlight your most impressive skills, experience, and knowledge. Do not recite your resume but make it an effective pitch that aims to sell yourself. Be sure to adequately explain how your specific skills, etc. translate into meeting the company objectives. The ultimate goal is to show you are not only the right fit for the position and culture but that you will deliver results.

Why are you looking to change jobs?

If you are employed at the time of the interview, this question will likely come up. Remember keeping things professional and positive is important when replying to this question. It serves no purpose to grumble about your manager, long working hours or communicate any negative about your current employer. The goal is to highlight why the position is a better fit for your needs.