Work in the Time of COVID-19: Getting Work Done While Social Distancing

work from home

There is already over 43 percent of American workers who work from home occasionally. And yet, the number of home workers is about to shoot up with the rise in COVID-19 cases.

This drastic change to your routine could cause a fall in productivity. You don’t want to let down your colleagues and clients.

That’s why you need to follow our tips for getting work done and social distancing in the COVID-19 crisis. Check out our ideas below!

1. Get Dressed in the Mornings

You may think that staying in bed with your laptop is the most amazing idea ever. But, you soon realize that this doesn’t help your productivity.

Before you know it, you’ll fall asleep again and wake up furious in the late morning having missed your conference call.

Getting up and dressed in the mornings is really important. Dressing for success is still crucial even if you’re working from home.

2. Embrace Technology

Social distancing is really important in order to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. That’s why we need to end any face-to-face meetings for now.

But, fortunately, technology allows us to continue staying in touch with clients and colleagues via video conferences. Never tried it before? Check out this free conference call.

You don’t always need to call your co-workers either. Chat apps, such as Slack, allow you to send over comments and suggestions easily.

3. Take Regular Breaks

You might think that now you work from home you have the flexibility you always wished for in your work. However, many people end up working even longer hours.

After all, remote workers usually work slightly longer hours than their workplace co-workers anyway. You need to make sure you keep your regular hours.

But, it’s also vital that you take breaks. Just because you don’t have a colleague telling you to finish for lunch, you need to realize this yourself.

Use your lunch hour to do an exercise video on YouTube or cook yourself a delicious meal with whatever you have in your cupboards.

4. Establish Your Workstation

You might not be working in the office for a while. However, you still need to have an office space in your home to work from.

Even if you have a really small apartment, you need to separate your work and home life as much as possible. That’s why you need a dedicated workstation.

This could be the sofa in your living room or the desk in your bedroom. Set yourself up with your essential items for getting work done.

Getting Work Done in COVID-19

Just because you have been told by your employer that you need to work from home, that doesn’t mean you can allow your productivity to fall.

You need to work out how you can keep getting work done at home throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Take advantage of our tips to keep up the good work.

Do you want more advice and tips for doing business in the age of the Coronavirus? Check out our blog for much more!