Go, Baby, Go!: How to Cover Baby Corners for Your Little One

baby corners

Wondering how to cover baby corners for your little one? We’ve totally got you covered. Find out more about what you should know today!

If you are going to have a baby, then there are few things more important than baby-proofing your house.

Statistics show that unintentional injuries are a leading cause of injury and death for children. Falls specifically are the most common unintentional injury, and baby-proofing your house is one of the best ways to prevent falls from being serious.

An important part of baby-proofing is focusing on sharp objects. You should put these as far away from your baby as possible, but some can’t be hidden away.

For those baby corners, you’ll need to add protection. This is our guide on how to give your home the best baby corner protection.

Which Corners Should You Cover

To start, we need to understand which corners actually need to have protection added. To do that, we need to think about any place your baby can get to.

The best way to do this is by going through your house and looking for anything with 90-degree angles. This may require you to get low and look from a baby’s perspective.

Babys are naturally curious, so you can assume that anything pointy or sharp could be touched or bumped into by your child. Your search may turn up some potentially dangerous spots that you have not been considering as dangerous.

However, there are some corners that absolutely cannot be overlooked. These include:

  • Coffee table corners
  • Nightstand corners
  • Cabinet door corners
  • Shelf corners
  • Countertop corners
  • Desk corners
  • Fishtank corners
  • Corners on chests or boxes
  • Corners on stairs
  • Corners on fireplaces
  • Corners on low drawers

You may not have all of these objects, or they may not all be accessible to your child. However, any of these that a baby can find access to should be protected.

One fall into the corner of a coffee table or shelf could be disastrous.

How You Can Cover Baby Corners

So now that we know which baby corners to cover, its time to figure out how to cover them. The best way to do this is through some kind of soft foam.

Now there are some DIY options available for covering baby corners, but they do come with some concerns.

DIY baby corner coverings could be easily pulled off by your baby, defeating the purpose of the covering. Also, your house can start to look ridiculous if every corner and edge in your home is covered by a cut-up pool noodle.

You can instead go out and buy foam corner protectors that will provide safety, stick well, and blend in nicely with your home.

Keep Your Baby Safe

We don’t have to tell you that keeping your child safe is your number one priority. You know how important that is, and we hope this guide can help you do that.

The right baby corner coverings can be the difference between a slight booboo and a trip to the emergency room. So as you are working on baby proofing your house, don’t forget the baby corners.

Do you have more questions? Check out our other articles for more answers.