SEO: Do You Really Need It?

SEO - Do You Really Need It

As an entrepreneur, it might feel like your job is never-ending! You’re trying to manage all aspects of your business, from coming up with new products to finding new innovative ways to market.

As a result, you might find yourself trying to find ways to work smarter, not harder. And something you might keep hearing is about how you have to make your website SEO-friendly. If you’ve never utilized SEO practices before, you might find yourself wondering — is this something I really need to do? Won’t this just create more work?

Well, before you completely dismiss SEO, you really should think about familiarizing yourself with the basic practices. SEO allows you to gain more organic traffic on your website — and more traffic is always a good thing! More traffic means more potential customers. So, yes, you really do need SEO!

SEO: What is it

SEO stands for search engine optimization. SEO helps you rank higher on search engines, such as Google. And the higher you rank on search engines, the more people can find you, which generates more traffic to your site.

There are certain SEO techniques you can use to improve the visibility of your site on search engines. Even developing a basic understanding of SEO and implementing a few basic strategies can help boost the traffic of your website.

How SEO works

SEO is complex and can be hard to understand, but you do need to develop a basic idea of how SEO works. Search engines have different algorithms they use to rank websites. The better your website performs to these algorithms, the higher your ranking!

In the most simple terms, the algorithms look at the relevancy and authority of your site. Relevancy is making sure the content on your site is targeted towards your audience. Authority is all about showing that your site is trustworthy and a resource that people should visit.

Building relevancy

To start building relevancy, one basic strategy you can use is to figure out which keywords are most relevant to your industry and start using them throughout your website. Some websites can help you determine which keywords you should be using, or you can also go to a competitor’s website and see what keywords they are utilizing.

In addition to putting them in content, keywords should be used in headers, meta titles, and alt descriptions. However, you want to be careful to not spam your website with keywords.

Establishing authority

For authority, you want to show that your site is a trustworthy and reputable source. One way to do this is by producing high-quality and engaging content. You should also link to credible sources throughout your website.

You can also start guest blogging as a way to start getting other sites to link back to yours. Linkbacks help show the algorithms that the content on your site is quality enough that other people want to link to it. Look for quality linkbacks; try to find authority sites that are looking for guest bloggers and avoid spam sites.

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Benefits of a blog

One way many sites boost their SEO is by implementing a blog. Blogs allow you to naturally incorporate more keywords onto your website, as well as incorporate links to authority sites. Therefore, you can both build relevancy and establish authority with a blog!

However, if you decide to implement a blog, keep in mind you will need to update it regularly (at least once a week) to fully boost your SEO. If you don’t have the time to maintain it, skip the blog.

Mistakes to avoid

Part of knowing SEO best practices is knowing what you should avoid. One of the biggest things you’ll want to avoid is filling your website with spammy writing that is overfilled with keywords and links. Algorithms will pick up on spammy content, which will only hurt your ratings instead of improving it.

Another mistake is ignoring the bounce rate of your site. If people are visiting, but immediately clicking away, your search engine ranking will take a hit. If people aren’t staying on your website, improve your content so they want to stay.

Concluding thoughts

Your marketing efforts need to include optimizing your site for SEO. Even if you’re busy with running other aspects of your business, using the basic tips mentioned in this article will help give you a bit of a boost. Of course, you may also find yourself wanting to familiarize yourself with more advanced techniques to fully boost your SEO!