Healthcare Marketing | 5 Mistakes Healthcare Marketers Must Avoid

Healthcare Marketing _ 5 Mistakes Healthcare Marketers Must Avoid

For your healthcare practice to grow, you need to adapt to the latest trends in healthcare marketing. As a healthcare provider, this might not be your cup of tea, but you must remember that to sustain and nurture the business, you have to reach many people who will convert into customers.

Therefore, you have to invest in healthcare marketing. As you try to adapt to current trends in healthcare marketing, there are some mistakes that you have to avoid to get the best results out of your marketing plan. They include:

1. A poor marketing strategy

If you don’t plan, you are planning to fail. It is crucial to come up with a well-defined plan with clear objectives. If you don’t give planning the attention and seriousness it deserves, your marketing strategy will not be effective. It is even likely that you will lose some of your qualified leads and face a decrease in your profit. You may know how to market your healthcare business, but your efforts will be fruitless if your strategy is not patient-centric.

2. Poorly-managed website and social media pages

You read somewhere that content is king, or someone suggested you create a website for your healthcare business, so you got one. That’s awesome. Today, almost everyone performs an online search about a healthcare practice before deciding whether to visit or not. However, it will be of no use if you fail to refresh the content, add educational content, and stay active on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, YouTube, and other social media platforms.

Additionally, your website needs to be mobile-friendly, have a user-friendly interface, and be set up with SEO to rank high on search engines.

3. Being too transactionally focused

We are living in a fast-paced world where you may be tempted to rush to bring as many patients as possible through the door right now. But are you doing enough to motivate them to remain beyond their immediate need?

Don’t focus on one visit at a time or selling one “product.” Instead, focus on building a long-term relationship with patients -a relationship that will add value to the business and the patient.

4. Ignoring reviews

Reviews are an important part of healthcare marketing. Ensure you respond to all reviews – both positive or negative. Appreciate the reviewers for taking the time to give their feedback. The negative comments offer a learning opportunity that helps you to improve your services. Ignoring negative comments creates a perception of your practice as unconcerned with how customers feel about your services.

5. Non-analytical

You just don’t invest money in marketing activities and fail to measure the ROI. It is not acceptable. Comparing results against the time and money invested helps you to know where you need to modify or rework your strategies to upsurge conversions. Make use of free analytics tools such as Google Analytics, SEMrush, and Bitly.


The success of your practice largely depends on your healthcare marketing strategy. Avoid the above mistakes when creating a healthcare marketing plan for your practice and experience your best year yet.