5 Advanced Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs

optimize social media marketing

Virtually, all entrepreneurs employ some basic marketing efforts for their businesses. As expected, basic business marketing efforts don’t yield the best results. At best, they’ll only keep your business in a loop without any edge over the competition. You need to use social media marketing strategies and optimize them to achieve success.

Marketing is multi-faceted such that every profession has a set of strategies tailored for the profession. For instance, if you’re a dentist, you must employ dental digital marketing strategies for the best results.

Regardless of your business niche, it’s very important to add better strategies to your existing marketing effort to get a better result.

Hence, it’s time to up your business marketing game with these 5 advanced strategies:

1. Switch Your Branding Up

Most businesses tend to start their business with some random branding elements that are most divergent. While this might be the case while starting, it shouldn’t remain the same. Thus, branding elements, like logos, colors, and general business set up must be appropriately updated.

Improving your branding is important because it creates better brand recognition for customers who interact with your business. Achieving a high level of branding, of course, requires a lot of work and monetary investment. However, it would pay off since you’ll gain a loyal customer base and multiple referrals.

2. Create and Optimize Your Business Website Experience

If your business doesn’t have a website yet, ensure to create one. If it does have one already, then the design and content aspect must be optimized. Business websites function a lot, like a company’s virtual workspace. Thus, a business website must be well-designed and mobile-friendly for better user experiences.

You can optimize your website experience with online chatbox and content marketing. Online chat boxes allow potential clients to make virtual inquiries. They should be functioning on a 24-hour, 7 –day basis. Quick responses via online chats also help secure potential clients.

Further, content marketing involves creating a blog and publishing posts that guide people on the services you provide. This approach works because, in most cases, you offer genuine information to site visitors for free, which often leads them to purchase your company’s products/services.

3. Optimize Your Website for Search Engines

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is another advanced level of marketing you should consider. A lot of potential clients make use of search engines to look for various services they need. Without SEO, your business website will not show up on the first page of a search engine’s result.

Perhaps the most important SEO for business is local SEO. Local SEO is becoming important as search engines consider the location of searchers to provide them with best-suited results, based on their location. If your business is optimized locally, more local clients who make a search relating to your business are more likely to conduct business with your company.

SEO factors to put into consideration include keywords, content relevancy, content freshness, and content length. Take note that SEO is a highly technical work. Hence, professionals, such as Puya Turkiyan, provide you with premium services and resources to get it done right.

4. Make Use of Email Marketing

Email marketing has grown to become a proven business marketing method. Via email marketing, you can send newsletters to both existing and potential clients. Newsletters can contain information on new offers from your company, new blog posts, and commemoration of national holidays.

Take note that business emails should be simplistic, concise, and readable. Avoid packing in too much information in the email. Instead, embed a call to action for people who want more information, greatly improving business conversion.

You can build an email list by following up with your former clients and asking them to join your mailing list.

5. Optimize Your Social Media Marketing

Conversions are the goal of using social media for business. Hence, a business cannot opt for click-bait tactics that generic social media users employ to garner followers. Instead, businesses need to take a systematic approach to their use of social media.

Some of the steps to take for an effective use of social media include:

  • Make the bio section descriptive of what your business is about.
  • Update your profile and cover image to carry your business e-fliers.
  • Create a business page.
  • Have a posting schedule to ensure consistency for your social media.
  • To increase the visibility and retention of your company brand, ensure all your posts are branded.


Implementing these strategies requires a good amount of work, but it does yield results, making every ounce of effort put in worth it in the end.

Use branding and a business website to get the best results from your marketing efforts. Create a business, engage in content marketing, and optimize your website for search engines. Engage in email marketing and optimize your social media marketing as well. Overall, be innovative with your marketing and update them with time.