How You Can Make Strategic Use of Technology within Your Business

How You Can Make Strategic Use of Technology within Your Business

Any business owner wants their business to grow. For that to happen, they need to be up-to-date when it comes to technology. Every day, new software is made to make all our jobs easier and more efficient. If we don’t make use of new software, we will fall behind other businesses.

There are many apps and tools you can use that perform daily tasks in a shorter time and effort. You and your employees will appreciate the change in workflow. So how can you make use of technology to help your business grow? Here are some tips.

1) Use Productivity Tools

You can find a large number of tools made just to improve workflow and productivity. A famous communication tool is Slack. It’s an app where you can add all the coworkers in one place and communicate individually or collectively. You can make channels for different purposes. The app is for free, but there are other paid plans. Another app you can use is Trello. You can use it in different industries, and both for personal and for business purposes. You make task boards and move between them. Their statuses can be to do, in progress, and done depending on your progress.

2) Increase Security

There are plenty of ways you can increase your security using technology. Cloud technology is one way that has been used by companies and governments. According to the IT engineers at, that’s because they offer flexibility, speed, and security. If you start using cloud services, you’re guaranteed to have a more secure business. Popular cloud platforms include Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. Some of the mechanisms that are used by cloud services are firewalls, intrusion detection, and prevention systems.

3) Use Backup Software

There is a lot of malicious software that aims to compromise your work and business. Getting hacked can cost you your customers’ trust and brand reputation. Thankfully, there are tools and apps to undo the damage, if not prevent it. Those apps use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to detect and flag suspicious files and software. However, if the breach had already happened, you would need continuity and recovery backup software. The most popular backup apps include Cobain Backup, Acronis True Image, and Backup4All. If you’re a Windows user, you have the system restore option in the settings as well.

4) Get a Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is someone you hire remotely to perform some of your tasks and save you time. Generally, you hire a freelancer who has experience in administrative assistance and office management. They can do other tasks like writing, researching, and social media, among others. We know what you’re wondering. Yes, technology plays a big part in this job. For one, you can use time-tracking apps to know how much work your assistant did. You can also use different sharing software to share the tasks.

5) Use Social Media

Social media plays a crucial part in your business growth, specifically if it’s product or service-based. You can introduce people to your business through Facebook and Twitter. Your marketing campaign can be based around improving your social media presence. Use those platforms to make new customers while communicating with your current customers too. This communication can turn one-time customers into loyal raving ones. You have the option to use social media to perform many functions, like promoting products, contacting influencers, and offering customer service.

use of technology

6) Improve Customer Service

Again, this applies if you offer a service or a product. Good customer service plays a big factor in your success. Selling products is not enough as recent history has proven that after-sales services or lack thereof, can kill popular brands.  Use many apps and tools that can improve the customer service experience. Set a help desk using the best tools available and best representatives to offer a consistent and quality service. You can also use survey tools to make surveys that customers can fill to offer their feedback. There are also chatbots that are getting powerful because they offer a fast and reliable service.

New tools and software are endless and can make a big difference in your business. Customers often trust businesses that are always trying to improve. Start from within, improving the workflow with productivity apps. Then, fortify your security as any breach can cause loss of trust and a bad reputation. If that breach happens, be prepared to back up and restore any data of importance. That can be the factor that saves your business. Finally, work on improving the relationship with your customers through social media and customer service. With technology, you can do less work with a bigger outcome.