Top 5 Small Business Accounting Tips to Help You Save Time and Money on Taxes

Top 5 Small Business Accounting Tips to Help You Save Time and Money on Taxes 

Tens of millions of small businesses operate in the United States. Just about every one of them contributes to the trillions of dollars the IRS collects in taxes every year. Business accounting is essential for your future business success.

When you’re opening a business’s doors for the first time, taxes aren’t likely to occur to you until April rolls around. When April does come, if you haven’t been planning throughout the year, you’ll be scrambling.

Yes, small business accounting can be a headache. Armed with accounting tips and discipline, though, you’ll find that keeping your books in order so you can pay your taxes on time and save money while doing so gets a lot easier.

If you’re ready to take some of the pressure off of your business accounting practices, keep reading to learn five key things you can do now that’ll save you time and money.

1. Keep Track of Every Expense

Every time you buy anything that could qualify as a business expense, you need to track it even if the expense seems insignificant.

You never know what you can use as a tax write-off. So, it’s best to have a system in place that captures all of your spending data throughout the year. In such a case you can sit down and assess things later.

Every expense you write off is income you won’t get taxed on, so indeed, you have an incentive to write off as much as possible.

2. Get Your Books Updated Every Month

It can be tempting to run your small business like you do your personal life. That usually means ignoring business accounting all year. Then going crazy for the first two weeks of April to get everything in order by the IRS deadline.

Don’t fall into that trap.

An organized business works on tax strategy planning year-round by keeping its books up to date monthly so you can see trends, tax obligations, and more.

Approaching numbers on a monthly level lets you assess expenses with a fresh recollection which can help you better categorize your spending.

3. Pay Your Taxes Quarterly

Most businesses operating in the US are obligated to pay their business taxes quarterly. If they don’t, they’ll incur fees come April for holding onto the outstanding money.

You can learn more about quarterly taxes on the IRS website.

4. Talk to a Professional for Business Accounting

We live in an age of DIY. While that’s fine when it comes to painting your house or changing a tire, leaning on online accounting tips so much so that you DIY your business taxes may not be a great move.

Making mistakes on your taxes means asking for an audit from the IRS. That audit will be a headache in itself and may also reveal deeper problems that could get you in trouble legally or financially.

5. Get Automated Business Accounting

Whether you DIY taxes or work with a tax professional, tracking your crucial accounting data will be worlds easier if you have an automated business accounting solution in place.

Tools like QuickBooks and Freshbooks are invaluable to any small business tax strategy. Try either of them out and see what they can do for you!

Simple Accounting Tips Can Reduce Your Tax Obligations

The better organized you get with the help of accounting tips, the more money you’ll be likely to save by writing off expenses and organizing things in a way that lowers your chances of being audited.

If that sounds good to you, start leaning on the information you’ve just learned! We’re confident it’ll improve your relationship with small business taxes.

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