Some Basic Facts You Should Know About Personal Injury Cases

Some Basic Facts You Should Know About Personal Injury Cases

There are hundreds of thousands of incidents every year which leads to injury and every one of them has the potential to end up as a personal injury case. Personal injuries can lead to significant pain and suffering, escalating medical bills, big insurance premiums, and potential loss of earning. Many people feel totally in the dark when facing a big personal injury case and it is easy for insurance companies or their legal teams to intimidate you into making decisions that are not in your best interest.

So few of us have any experience of legal matters and so it can be incredibly overwhelming to deal with all of the things which go into a successful personal injury case. Lawyers, medical reports, and compensation are all alien concepts that can be seriously draining as you try to figure out how to get the result you need to move on after an injury. To help everyone out there who is feeling lost, here are some basic facts you should know about personal injury cases.

The legal world is incredibly complex and even something as seemingly routine as a personal injury case can be next to impossible for most people to deal with on their own. The experts at Stokes Stemle, LLC explain that while many people have a natural wariness of lawyers, hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer will greatly improve your chances of a satisfactory outcome in your personal injury case. Your lawyer will be able to use their years of training and experience to identify the best course of action to help you secure the compensation you are entitled to for the injuries you have sustained. They will gather evidence, speak to witnesses, prepare all of the legal paperwork, and represent you in court. The majority of personal injury lawyers do not charge a fee for their services unless they are successful so you can be assured that they have your best interests at heart.

2. Medical Help Should Be Sought Immediately

Following any personal injury, even one that seems fairly innocuous, you should always seek medical attention immediately. This is very important because an early diagnosis increases the doctor’s ability to prescribe effective treatment to help you recover from your injuries as quickly as possible. Furthermore, you will need the medical records from your doctor to use as evidence in your personal injury case. These records will attest to the nature and extent of your injuries and will show that you received treatment for them at the time when you say the incident happened. Because there is a statute of limitations in many states about how long you have to obtain these medical records, you should be proactive about getting them from your doctor. Even if you don’t think your injuries require treatment, you should still get a checkup, as the pain of injuries can be hidden by shock or adrenaline.

3. Your Rights are Unassailable

It is very easy to be intimidated into not going ahead with a personal injury claim but it is vital that you know your rights and don’t let anybody put pressure on you. One type of personal injury case where people often feel intimidated is when they have been injured at work. Taking your employer to court can be very scary as you may be worried about being fired or other repercussions.

personal injury cases - rights

Your lawyers will be able to protect you from any pressure from your employer but it is really important that you remember you have every legal right to make a claim when you have been injured at work. Make sure you report the injury immediately in the accident book in your workplace so that your lawyers can use this as important evidence when arguing your case.

4. Insurance Companies are not on Your Side

Whether it be car insurance or health insurance, having a comprehensive insurance policy is so important for protecting yourself against unfortunate situations. When you are involved in a personal injury case, however, it is vital to remember that insurance companies are not on your side. Like all businesses, they are purely driven by profit and will do everything within their power to pay you as little as they possibly can. It is best to not even engage with the insurance companies, both yours and that of the other party, and just let your lawyer arrange everything. They will know how to deal with them so you are not vulnerable to their tricks or shady actions.

Related: How Much Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

5. Compensation Varies from Case to Case

It can be very hard to know exactly how much compensation you are entitled which may mean you are manipulated into accepting an out-of-court settlement for significantly less than you deserve. Many people are given a “take it or leave it” offer from an insurance company or their lawyers and are worried that they will get nothing at all if they decline the offer. An experienced personal injury lawyer will have had countless similar cases so they will know exactly what you are entitled to and will be able to advise you as to what is a reasonable offer. If you never receive one, your attorney will get everything ready to take the case to court where you will be in line to receive what you are entitled to. Never accept any compensation offered without legal advice as you will most likely end up seriously short-changed.

If you have been involved in a personal injury, it can be incredibly overwhelming and you may be feeling isolated and anxious about what has happened. It is so important to understand that you don’t need to tackle a personal injury case alone because there are many people who can help you. Securing professional legal advice and getting swift medical help should be the top of your agenda as this will take an enormous amount of the burden off your shoulders. Follow this guide if you are feeling lost and don’t know where to turn, and you will have the best chance of getting the outcome you need to move on with your life.