Install an MVHR Unit in Your Office to Increase Productivity

Could Installing an MVHR Unit in Your Office Increase Productivity

Many business owners are aware of the cost-efficiency of MVHR. Most are also constantly looking for ways to make their employees more productive. But, what if we told you that adding an MVHR unit to your office could allow you to both drives down costs and boost production?

These systems have the ability to improve air quality. They will provide your space with fresh air all year long without having to open windows and risk bringing in more pollutants as a result. Let’s take a look at a few reasons why MVHR could give your workforce a productivity boost.

Stale Air and Productivity

One of the biggest benefits of MVHR systems is how great they are at controlling moisture and removing stale air from rooms. These systems allow for less condensation and greatly reduce the growth of mould and other harmful bacteria.

There is significant research that shows the effect of office stale air and its effect on your productivity. The Harvard Business Review released a study where 24 ‘knowledge workers’ were monitored for 2 weeks while working in a tightly controlled environment. Without their knowledge, conditions in the room changed from acceptable to non-acceptable and back. At the end of each day, their cognitive abilities were assessed using a test.

They found that participants were much better at decision making and performed better in 9 critical cognitive function domains. The domains where they showed the most improvement were on their ability to plan strategically and process information.

Removing Volatile Organic Compounds

When people think about air quality, they usually think about dust and CO2 levels. However, they often overlook one of the most common and dangerous forms of pollutants, and that is VOCs or volatile organic compounds. These are compounds that are emitted from things such as eraser liquid, markers, cleaning supplies, and things like paint and varnish among others.

What makes MVHR systems so powerful is that they are particularly good at replacing the air inside rooms. They are also great at filtering air coming in.

You have to make sure that you pick the right unit, however, and the right supplier as well. Companies like BPC Ventilation Ltd will take the time to assess the elements your employees are exposed to and look at various other factors to make sure that you can meet your requirements. This is essential if you want to get the benefits, but also make sure that your unit is not overworked.

MVHR Could Reduce Absenteeism

Better air is also linked with fewer sick days in the office. This means that your MVHR unit could allow you to reduce absenteeism significantly. One particular study found that there was a 35% decrease in short term absences by doubling the ventilation rate. This could be major for your company if sick days are a recurring issue. You will also boost the morale of other workers who have to pick up the slack for missing players.


Not only could installing an MVHR help you reduce your overhead, but it could also benefit your employees in more ways than one. Your employees are the backbone of your enterprise, and their well-being should always be your number one priority, so make sure that you consider the option.