How to Become a Successful Instagram Influencer

How to Become a Successful Instagram Influencer

Becoming an Instagram influencer is a great way to generate a side income while doing something you love. Did you know that 70% of teens trust influencers more than celebrities? Teens and young adults see influencers as more authentic and accessible.

With one billion monthly active users, Instagram counts many influencers, and competition can get tough. Here’s how to become a successful Instagram influencer.

Create a Personal Brand

One of the most important Instagram influencer tips is to find something that sets you apart from other influencers.

Define your personal brand in terms of the themes you discuss, the aesthetic you use for your photos, and the way you address your audience.

Be positive: Influencer and model Alex Lange has created a unique personal brand by sharing a mix of inspirational content and posts that spread positivity.

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Find Your Niche

If you’re wondering how to become a successful Instagram influencer, one of the first things you can do is define the niche you want to target.

While macro-influencers have millions of followers and appeal to a broad audience, there are many successful micro-influencers with a smaller audience of loyal followers.

Micro-influencer highlight: Influencer and skater Manny Santiago has over 250,000 followers. He became a successful influencer for the skateboarding niche by sharing his passion and embracing skateboard culture.

Create Value for Your Audience

People will follow you and keep interacting with your posts if you create value for them. Depending on your niche, content that inspires or educates could keep people coming back.

Inspire and educate: Kayla Itsines is a fitness trainer and influencer. You can find some helpful tips for staying motivated on her Instagram page, along with workouts that create real value for her followers.

Looks Matter

Instagram is a visual platform. It’s crucial to post photos that immediately catch the eye and that are aesthetically pleasing. You should also keep in mind that your looks matter.

Popular influencers often have a toned physique, flawless hair and makeup, and many use cosmetic dentistry options like porcelain veneers or teeth whitening for a perfect smile. This doesn’t mean you have to have supermodel good looks to be successful, but you do need to put your best foot forward.

Among the top product categories, Instagram influencers endorse, you will find beauty, fashion, and fitness products. Working on your looks will make you more likely to secure partnerships for these product categories.

Success story: Huda Kattan is a makeup artist who grew her Instagram following by showcasing unique makeup looks. She is now the owner of a cosmetic brand.

Be Authentic

Being your authentic self will help you create a genuine connection with your audience.

Authenticity will help you build trust with your audience.

You can be authentic by sharing some behind-the-scenes pictures, explaining how you created a shot, giving people a peek into your daily life, and sharing your honest experience with the products you endorse.

Be yourself: Celeste Barber is a comedian who gained popularity on Instagram for reproducing popular poses and poking fun at fashion by recreating outfits with DIY items.


You won’t become a popular influencer overnight. It’s essential to be consistent and post regularly to grow your audience. You should look for new opportunities to create content, for instance, through partnerships with other influencers. You also need to be consistent with your themes, tone, and overall aesthetic.

Find a formula that works: Food influencer Dad Beets posts regularly and uses consistent angles, lighting, and presentation for the food items he features on his page.

Engage Your Audience

Developing a relationship with your audience will help you create an authentic connection.

Encourage people to leave comments on your posts and share their opinion and experiences with you.

  • Use popular hashtags for your niche and launch your own hashtags as your following grows.
  • Take the time to respond to comments.
  • Check your messages regularly and respond to them.
  • Mention users in your posts by tagging them with @ followed by their username.
  • As your audience grows, you can use a social media management tool to get access to track and improve engagement.

Learn from major brands: Wendy’s is famous for responding to comments on social media and engaging its audience by using a fun and friendly tone.

Final Thoughts

There is a lot of competition among Instagram influencers, but you can become successful on this platform if you’re consistent and passionate about what you do. These tips on how to become a successful Instagram influencer will help you get started, but don’t hesitate to break these rules as you get a better feel for what your target audience wants.