6 Healthy Sleep Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

6 Healthy Sleep Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, then look at your sleep habits. Getting a great night’s sleep can help you build a stronger company and reach your goals easier.

Give Your Food Time to Digest

Stop eating at least three hours before you plan to go to bed. That way, your blood sugar has normalized before you lay down. Even if you try to avoid foods with lots of added sugar, many healthy choices, like grapes and oranges, are naturally high in sugar. Additionally, stopping eating three hours before bedtime gives your body time to digest the food, so it is not working while you are trying to sleep. Indigestion is more likely to happen if you lay down immediately after eating a meal, which can also cause you to toss and turn in your sleep.

Stop Drinking Coffee 8 Hours Before Bed

While the sugar in most sodas is bad for you, coffee can also stop you from getting a great night’s sleep. Avoid drinking any coffee for at least eight hours before you go to bed. First, it takes your body a lot of time to process the caffeine in coffee. Even if you choose to drink decaffeinated coffee, it robs your body of serotonin. This chemical that your body produces naturally makes you feel happier, so it is easier to have good thoughts as you drift off to slumberland. Drinking coffee right before bed also means that your sleep may be interrupted as you may need to empty your bladder.

Take a Bath

Taking a warm bath before bed can help you fall to sleep faster. Increase the odds by using products with essential oils in them can help. Lavender, ylang-ylang, marjoram, and frankincense can all be great choices. You may also want to burn aromatic candles in your bathroom while taking your bath. Even without essential oils, taking a bath can help because your body naturally wants to drift off to sleep as it cools down after a warm bath.

Avoid Alcohol Before Bed

While a glass of wine may help you relax, research shows that drinking alcohol within four hours of going to bed can be a bad idea. If you do, you ask the liver to keep working to metabolize the alcohol while the rest of the body sleeps, which can be problematic. Alcohol in your bloodstream also can create havoc with your sleep cycle. Drinking alcohol before bed can also make you more likely to suffer from insomnia and leave you feeling less energetic the next day.

Stop Exercising Before Bedtime

Exercise in the early morning hours is a great way to encourage your body to get a great night’s sleep. Research shows that people who exercise regularly spend less time falling asleep, which can be great news for busy entrepreneurs. Vigorously exercising within three hours of bedtime is harmful to sleep as it raises your heart rate and adrenaline levels. It can also interfere with your body’s natural sleep cycles.

Create a Great Bedroom Environment

Only use your bedroom for sleeping. It should not do double duty as your home office or for other purposes. Create a comfortable bedroom using calming colors to help your mind relax after a hard day’s work. Keep the lighting soft to help you relax even more. Install blackout curtains so that no light enters the space that you cannot control. Be sure that you have an excellent mattress designed for your sleeping style. Use a diffuser so that you can diffuse essential oils throughout your space. If you live in a noisy environment, try soundproofing your walls.

It takes a lot of energy to be a successful entrepreneur, so be sure that you are getting a great night’s sleep by following these tips. You may find it a little challenging to get started depending on how many changes you must make to your lifestyle, but you will find it much easier to meet your goals every day.