How to Start Your Career as a Software Engineer

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The IT field is higher in demand than ever. Many thought that this field would be saturated in a few years, but to the surprise of many people, it took over all other industries. Today, there are more jobs in IT than in any other field. There are a lot of career options that you can choose, among which programming is most common.

Some might think that a degree in IT is important to make your place in this profession. An IT degree will help you, there is no doubt about it. However, you can achieve the same level of knowledge and skills as an IT graduate without going to college and be as successful as them.

There are too many changes in this field and we see so many new frameworks every day. Colleges can’t keep up with that. All these courses and skills are found on the internet and that is also free of cost most of the time.

This article is a brief guide to starting your career as a software engineer.

Make Sure This is What You Want

There is no denying that a programmer can’t go unemployed. However, you should see more than just this when choosing a career. This field has many jobs but the competition is also just as high.

You should breathe coding if you want to become a professional software engineer. People who excel in this field did not just study at college. They have always been interested in this field and they worked hard to learn as much as they can because they enjoyed it.

You also need to find a field for yourself that you enjoy. Give programming some time to see if it grows on you. However, if you have to push yourself just to get started, you should reconsider your career choices.

Look for Language in Demand

There too many programming languages and frameworks and new ones are coming out every year. Old frameworks and languages are decreasing in demand and newer updates are preferred by most companies because they help save time and resources.

You should not limit yourself to just one niche, but you have to start somewhere. To get started, look for a new language that is not going anywhere for a few years and has diverse applications for all platforms. For example, you can check the best Kotlin course for beginners and senior professionals. If you feel like this is something that could be really helpful at the start or mid of your career, consider learning it.

Work at the Most Difficult Company

You should not look at the money at the beginning of your career. Find the company that is doing the most difficult kind of work. Even if they are not paying very well, you will get to learn a great deal. Someone getting $50,000 at an easy entry-level job will barely reach $60,000 even after spending years.

 On the other hand, you might be offered $30,000 at the beginning, but you will reach $60,000 before the other guy. On top of that, you will have the potential and opportunities to cross $100,000 within a few years, which the other guy can’t even achieve unless he starts a career from scratch.

Try to Get Diverse Experience

Don’t get comfortable in one place and with one technology. You should keep pushing yourself at least at the beginning and keep learning your top priority. If you are not learning enough, switch as soon as possible.

Furthermore, you should prepare yourself for management. Improve soft skills and take project management courses to climb the corporate ladder faster than others.