Apex Legends: 10 Pro Tips For Ranking Up In Ranked Leagues

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With millions of players all over the globe competing every day in the world of Apex Legends, making your way through the ranks can be tough and quite time-consuming. But better rank means better prizes, not to mention the bragging rights in front of your friends.

So, what can you do to get better? Here are 10 pro tips for ranking up in Apex Legends ranked leagues!

  1. Choose your battles: your Kill Points do go beyond six. So, once you reach the maximum, you may want to stay out of skirmishes unless they are absolutely necessary. Focus on winning the game and you will gain Ranked Point and thus climb the ranks faster!
  2. Stick together: it’s always better to stand by your teammates. Individually, you can be picked off fairly easily if you encounter multiple opponents.
  3. Communication is vital: whether you’re using pings or voice chat, you should always try to provide your teammates with as much information as possible. Keep them up to date on your position and relay anything that can be of help to them.
  4. Hire help to boost you: if you want to reach a high rank, level your account, get badges or do anything of the sort, you can easily hire help for that. Apex Legends boosting is very much a thing, and you can actually play with your booster and learn valuable skills.
  5. Adjust your graphics settings: you can’t afford your computer to lag in the middle of a fight. That’s guaranteed to get you killed. Do some research and find the optimal graphics settings or simply talk to a fellow player to see what they’re using.
  6. Gold or Red? You decide: both Gold gear and Red gear have unique benefits that suit one style of play more than another. See which type of gear suits you better or adjust your playstyle to the gear you have.
  7. Try to find and use cover: if you can aim at your opponent from a cover, they will be in an extremely difficult situation. Likewise, if you find yourself in an open space, you will probably be an easy target. Seek cover whenever possible!
  8. Mobility is vital: it is highly recommended that your team has at least one highly mobile member. Reaching places that are difficult to access can be a huge advantage in the later stages of a game, and being able to reposition fast can win you battles.
  9. Pay attention to your loadout: keep track of buffs and adjust accordingly. Finding the right loadout for your style is like trying to find clothes that will fit you – you will feel great when you find something that fits perfectly.
  10. Scout ahead: if you can plan ahead, no matter how little ahead that may be, you will have an edge over your opponent. Legends that can scout can be very valuable and vital to your team’s success.