5 Simple Tips to Keep Your Instagram Fresh

5 Simple Tips to Keep Your Instagram Fresh

We are a tech-savvy society that exists in the internet age. Our virtual reality is very important to us and social media is at the forefront of this digital movement with Instagram being a widely popular platform with over 1 billion users and 500 million daily active users. Instagram is popular because it is mobile-ready, user-friendly, and is full of great content. It is getting harder to grow Instagram accounts but it is not impossible.

You get a head start with a growth service, especially when using something like Growth Silo, a top Instagram growth service. Instagram is fundamentally used for entertainment but it can also be used as a place to learn and inspire which is good because many people in society are on Instagram. The key to Instagram is to do things that are out of the box so here are a few tips that will grow and optimize your account.

Creative key 

The backbone of Instagram is the content and it is always helpful to be creative and humorous on the app. You also need to make sure that the content you are producing is original. Original content is simply content that nobody has seen before.  An example of original content include:

Instagram fresh

Above is a travel brand and they are showcasing content that appeals to their niche in an original and appealing way. The picture is high quality and captures the attention of the users. Always remember that followers gravitate towards content that is new and funny so when you are putting together content for your page keep this in mind.

Use content calendar

A content calendar is a schedule showcasing when and where you plan to publish your upcoming content. Content calendars include upcoming pieces, status updates, any planned promotions, collaborations, and any other updates relating to the content. It is good to have a content calendar because it keeps everything well organized and on track. It also helps you produce content consistently which helps you save time. People also expect content at different times and it is never a good idea to just randomly post content on your feed. You need to have it well thought out and planned if you want to see success. A content calendar is perfect for this.


Hashtags are a word or a series of words followed by the “#” symbol and they are considered the driving force of Instagram so it is always a good idea to use them when you post. Hashtags expand your Instagram audience and when you use a hashtag, your post will show up on the page for that specific hashtag. There is also an option to follow a hashtag which allows those hashtagged posts to appear on your feed even if you do not follow the person or vice versa. Hashtags are one of the biggest ways to discover content and they benefit you by making your posts discoverable.

Post often

Consistency is important on Instagram. You cannot just post every once in a while when you’re in the mood. You have to ensure that you keep a constant presence to ensure your name stays relevant on the Instagram streets. Posting too little also hurts you because Instagram’s algorithm favors those who post consistently, it is a numbers game. The Instagram timeline is organized by most recent so keep posting!

Inspiration from others

There are many niches on Instagram and it is important for you to find yours. You should also research other accounts in your niche and draw inspiration from their profile and posts to find new ways to post, which is a great way to get followers. Also, look outside your niche and draw inspiration from other accounts such as filter inspiration or a new way to write a caption for your post. You can even collaborate with other users which is a great idea and will expose you to a wider audience and potentially welcome new followers to your account. You can collaborate with Influencers who have a large following and if you collaborate with them you reach their audience as well. All of this is possible on Instagram.

So there you have it! 5 simple tips that you can use to make sure that your Instagram stays fresh. It might seem daunting but it’s actually pretty easy.