30 Quotes Related to Procrastination

beat procrastination

Procrastination is a danger for small businesses and entrepreneurs.

It pushed you back, stops your progress, backed you in the past, and maintains the status quo situation in your business. Procrastination may be comfortable today, but very dangerous tomorrow.

You can’t expect innovations and improvements in your business with procrastination. You can’t expect to beat your competition if you are a procrastinator. You can’t expect trust from your customers if you procrastinate shipping your value to them.

In the previous post, we talk about three types of causes of procrastination that need to be eliminated if you want to overcome procrastination. Here, I want to show the collections of quotes about procrastination.

  1. If you wait until the wind and the weather are just right, you will never plant anything and never harvest anything. ~ Bible
  2. Procrastination is the thief of time. ~ Edward Young
  3. During a very busy life I have often been asked, “How did you manage to do it all?” The answer is very simple. It is because I did everything promptly. ~ Richard Tangue
  4. How soon not now, becomes never. ~ Martin Luther
  5. Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know the result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the “someday I’ll” philosophy. ~Denis Waitley
  6. All things come to those who wait, but when they come they’re out of date. ~ Unknown
  7. Procrastination is like a credit card it’s a lot of fun until you get the bill. ~ Christopher Parker
  8. Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends. ~ William Shakespeare
  9. In delay there lies no plenty. ~ William Shakespeare
  10. Don’t put off till tomorrow what can be enjoyed today. ~ Josh Billings
  11. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. ~ Thomas Jefferson
  12. If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin. ~ Ivan Turgenev
  13. Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday. ~ Don Marquis
  14. Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph. ~ Haile Selassie
  15. Delay is the deadliest form of denial. ~ C. Northcote Parkinson
  16. We all sorely complain of the shortness of time, and yet have much more than we know what to do with. Our lives are either spent in doing nothing at all, or in doing nothing to the purpose, or in doing nothing that we ought to do. We are always complaining that our days are few, and acting as though there would be no end of them. ~ Seneca
  17. There is nothing so fatal to character as half finished tasks. ~ David Lloyd George
  18. My evil genius Procrastination has whispered me to tarry ’till a more convenient season. ~ Mary Todd Lincoln
  19. Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no delay, no procrastination; never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. ~ Earl of Chesterfield
  20. Procrastination is my sin. It brings me naught but sorrow. I know that I should stop it. In fact, I will – tomorrow! ~ Gloria Pitzer
  21. Do you know what happens when you give a procrastinator a good idea? Nothing! ~ Donald Gardner
  22. He who awaits much can expect little. ~ Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  23. If the mass of people hesitate to act, strike with swiftly and with boldness, the brave heart that understands and seizes opportunity can everything.  ~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
  24. It’s the job that’s never started takes longest to finish. ~ J.R.Tolkien
  25. A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance. ~ Hunter S. Thompson
  26. The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started. ~ Dawson Trotman
  27. No age or time of life, no position or circumstance has a monopoly on success. Any age is the right age to start doing!  ~ Ralph Gerard
  28. Procrastination is opportunity’s natural assassin. ~ Victor Kiam
  29. Someday is not a day of the week. ~ Unknown
  30. You made delay, but time will not, and lost time is never found again. ~ Benjamin Franklin