4 Tips On How To Get More Followers On Social Media

followers on social media

Although the number of followers gained by any social media account does not indicate the value of its content, if you’re a digital marketer, you know that having a lot of followers matters in so many other aspects. You may say that you don’t care about how many followers you have, but in reality, it affects the decision of people who view your profile in terms of whether they should follow you or not.

Believe it or not, a lot of people do look at your profile and judge the number of followers you have. Your influence on your followers and potential reach expand the more you gain followers. Luckily, there are a few strategies you can tackle to increase your followers on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and other platforms. Here are our 4 top tips on how to increase your social media followers.

1. Choose High-Quality Purposed Content

Getting more followers on social media revolves around posting high-quality meaningful content that is posted at the right time. Post content that has a purpose and can attract attention within the short lifespan of social media posts. The lifespan of posts on most social media ranges between 8 minutes to 24 or 48 hours. This means that you only get a few minutes to impress your followers or make an impression with your posts. Facebook posts for example last about 6 hours. Instagram posts and LinkedIn posts last for 48 hours. Instagram and Snapchat stories take 24 hours, while the lifespan of Twitter tweets is just 18 minutes. You only get a few minutes or hours to attract attention to your posts, so you need to learn to make it count. 

Related: How to Get More Followers on Instagram: 19 Tips to Grow Your Real Audience

2. Be More Engaged

You may always hear this social media tip from everyone you come across, but being active on social media is the most important thing for your followers. Link feeds are something that everyone in your follower list is tired of. It’s better to constantly comment and reshare posts from other users so that you can make it clear that you’re not an online bot and that you’re present and active on the network. If you get the chance to reshare or retweet something or someone else’s post, make sure you include a remark or test as to why you shared this post in specific. Ensure that you also tag the original poster or mention their name in your post to give them credit for their content.

3. Consider Buying Followers 

Many big accounts on social media opt for this option now. Buying followers so that you can increase your follower list count and gain more admiration from your existing followers. It’s a great strategy if you want something that can give your audience a push and increase their number. If you’re trying to grow your account on TikTok, a good option is to buy TikTok followers and wait for them to grow as you post more credible and original content. Sometimes, your followers only need a little push. So buying followers for a short period of time or just for the one time may be very effective in helping you with your strategy. Increasing your followers is the first thing you need to consider in order to expand your reach on social media. There are many tools and websites on the internet that can help you achieve your strategy for a very small amount of money. Make sure you choose a trusted service that is recommended by those around you. 

followers on social media - tiktok

4. Improve Your Profiles

Having a representable account profile on the platforms you use is crucial for getting more followers and expanding your social media reach. Optimize your profile according to your personal or business theme and include a brief bio about yourself, you or your company’s name if that’s not included in your handle or username, a link to your website or any desired landing page, and an attractive profile picture that would encourage people to view and open your profile. It’s also important to use a searchable handle so that users can easily find you online without using any special characters or numbers in their search.

Getting more followers on any social media platform is no indication of the value of the content you post. However, it does make a huge difference when it comes to people viewing your profile and deciding whether they should follow you or not. It’s also crucial for your social media reach to increase your follower’s count and expand your reach. These tips and strategies will help you promote your profile and gain more real followers. Remember to keep your content real and purposed so that you can make an impression before your followers miss your posts on their feed.