How A Jackknife Accident Lawyer Can Help You With Your Compensation Claim

Jackknife Accident Lawyer

Injuries from a jackknife accident can be quite serious. In general, the more severe the injury, the longer it’ll take for you to heal and return to your normal activities. And of course, this is assuming that you don’t have any permanent injuries or disabilities following a jackknife accident. This article will discuss what a jackknife accident lawyer can do for you in these situations so that you can get on with your life as quickly as possible while still recovering properly from an injury sustained in a car crash caused by someone else’s negligence. 

1. What is a jackknife accident 

A jackknife accident is a type of serious car crash involving a truck. The term “jackknife” relates to tractor-trailer trucks in which the trailer swivels or flips sideways and crashes against the tractor. This usually happens when the driver mismanages the jackknifing event, such as not slowing down to ensure that the trailer makes contact with the ground without flipping off of it at an angle. If you or your loved one happens to be in a similar situation, and are injured as a result of a jackknife accident, you should consider hiring a lawyer as soon as possible. Jackknifing accidents happen for many reasons, but one of the most common causes is stress on a truck’s tires due to higher than normal operating weight. 

2. The aftermath of a jackknife accident 

The first thing to do after a jackknife accident is to call 911. From the scene of the accident, it can be difficult to know what injuries may have occurred. One of the most important things you should do is ask any other passengers in your vehicle if they are hurt or need medical attention. If you were not wearing your seatbelt at the time of the jackknife accident then you are likely going to be injured more severely than someone who was safely strapped in behind their steering wheel. 

3. Who can help you with your compensation claim 

After a jackknife accident, it’s usually quite apparent that your medical expenses are going to be higher than you had anticipated. You may also have incurred some lost wages, depending on how long you were out for. If you are not provided with the appropriate compensation by the other party’s insurance company, then your next step is to contact a jackknife accident lawyer in order to help you get the compensation that is rightfully yours. A jackknife accident lawyer knows all about personal injury law and will work hard on your behalf to make sure you get the settlement that reflects the full extent of your injuries. They will also use their knowledge of the legal system to ensure that the settlement process goes quickly so that you can get back to healing yourself.

4. What to expect when working with an attorney 

The first thing you can expect from a jackknife accident lawyer is to be treated as a person, not as a case number. A jackknife accident lawyer will obtain all your medical information, including charts and records from treating physicians, and will help you obtain any benefits that may be available to you following an injury. They will also closely monitor your medical status and fight for any disability benefits that would cover the time away from work. Second, a jackknife accident lawyer will hold the insurance company accountable for your injuries. They understand the law and will know how to get an appropriate settlement so that you can focus on getting better.

As opposed to having to deal with the insurance company on your own, the jackknife accident lawyer will be able to help you through the compensation claim process. Third, a jackknife accident lawyer understands that no settlement can replace what you’ve lost. They are prepared for this possibility and will fight to protect your rights every step of the way. Once all efforts have been exhausted to get an appropriate settlement then they will file a lawsuit on your behalf for your damages. This way, you never have to worry about where the money is going to come from should the insurance company not provide for all of your lost wages and medical expenses.

jackknife accident

If you or a loved one has recently experienced an accident and the aftermath is making it difficult to focus on anything else, we urge you to contact a jackknife accident lawyer as soon as possible. We know how painful it can be when accidents happen because they come with financial burdens that are tough enough for anyone to handle while also dealing with their physical injuries. The best way to make sure your voice is heard in this process of getting compensated for lost wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering due to injury, etc., is by contacting us immediately so that our team of experts may help protect your rights throughout the settlement process. Don’t wait until after the fact before deciding who will represent you during negotiations – get in touch with a lawyer ASAP!