6 Ways To Make Sure Your Employees Are Safe

employee safety

Running a business with a safe and secure environment is a top priority in today’s business world. Therefore, it is essential to inform employees about safety and security measures that must be taken when they arrive at work each day. Employees will not feel safe if your company has not provided them with information about their surroundings and potential threats.

Here are six ways you can ensure your employees are safe:

1. Hire Cleaning Services

Whether it is a tour of the building or a walk-through of the territory, it is essential to hire cleaning services that understand the importance of safety and security. Hiring professionals will ensure your business’ cleanliness and keep you up to date on what’s happening in and around your workplace.

Depending on your industry, you may have a specific type of cleaning service that needs to be offered. The Sydney commercial cleaning services can greatly benefit the safety of your employees simply by having a cleaner environment. If any spills or hazardous chemicals are lying around, they will clean those up as soon as possible and prevent accidents from occurring.

2. Teach Employees First Aid And CPR Training

If someone in your workplace needs medical assistance, you will want to ensure trained employees on-site who can offer support. First aid training isn’t just for the paramedics. It’s also for workers in many different industries, including building maintenance and clerical work.

safe employee - first aid

According to medical studies, seven out of ten people who experience cardiac arrest outside a hospital will die. You can help those odds by making sure your employees know CPR and first aid. Giving those around you skills to save a life is crucial, especially if they’re around certain groups such as children or the elderly.

3. Hold Fire Drills At Least Once A Month

Fire drills are a great way to ensure employees are safe. Make sure your employees know the fire escape plan and hold at least one fire drill each month. Employees should feel safe no matter what time of the day it is. This goes for when they are working late or early in the morning. When employees feel safe, they will be more productive during work hours.

4. Make Sure Everyone Knows How To Gain Access To Your Building

Electronic access is vital for companies. It’s crucial that your employees only have access to the areas they need to be in. Employees should also know how to use security devices such as key cards, proximity readers, and card readers. Many people come into contact with your company building, so it is crucial to ensure you can trust all of them.

This is an adequate safety precaution because you can control who comes and goes, creating a safer environment for everyone on-site. It also creates a sense of responsibility that will make your employees think twice before handing out their card or key to someone without proper authorization.

5. Promote Safety Awareness With A New Hire Welcome Kit

Make sure your new hires are entirely aware of how important it is to be safe on the job. Please provide them with a safety manual, local laws, and regulations for their workplace. You should also take time to inform them about what they can do in place of you if an emergency arises during work hours.

It’s also vital that they are equipped with protective gear such as hard hats, steel toe boots, gloves, and glasses at all times if the job requires it. The equipment you provide your employees with should be safety tested and made from high-quality materials.

6. Update Your Facility With The Latest Safety Equipment

One of the most important things to do when it comes to safety is to update your facilities with the latest and greatest safety equipment. At least once a year, you should be looking for ways to update your building’s security features, whether it’s installing keyless entry systems or new cameras. In addition, it will give employees peace of mind knowing that there are updated security features to keep them safe while they work.

It should be up-to-date enough so that technology isn’t too far ahead of them but just advanced sufficiently for you to feel secure about the investment. This helps prevent loss due to theft or fraud. If any injuries or accidents do happen, reviewing security footage can help you pinpoint what happened more thoroughly and be prepared for an investigation.

Keeping your employees safe should be a top priority for any business owner. It creates a healthier environment for everyone. Employees must know what to do if anything happens during work hours because they are likely to panic otherwise. Your job as a business owner is to keep everyone safe at all times by arming them with knowledge on how to deal with specific situations.