Integrate Printed Direct Mailed Advertisements in Your Marketing Strategy

direct mail campaigns

Businesses need to find ways to get their products or services out into homes and businesses. While many companies focus primarily on online marketing now, they shouldn’t negate the effectiveness of a printed and mailed advertising campaign (direct advertising). 

Some business owners may think that doing a direct mail campaign has to be difficult. The fact is that this is one of the most cost-effective forms of marketing that you can utilize as part of a comprehensive campaign. 

Why is Direct Mail Marketing Effective?

Direct mail marketing is effective because it puts your company in a potential customer’s hand. They have something tangible to tell them about your company and to remind them that you’re available to meet their needs. 

These campaigns are typically more effective for people who have local companies. Individuals who respond to direct mail campaigns are more likely to support local businesses. Being able to connect with them before they need your goods or services may lead your company to be the frontrunner when the time comes for them to make a purchase or hire someone. 

What Should be Part of Your Direct Mail Marketing Campaign?

Your direct marketing campaign must be thought out carefully. Everything from the design of the ad through the delivery must be planned to be the most effective. 

There are several things to think about as you’re developing the campaign. As you’re going through this, be sure that you’re thinking about your target demographic. This helps you to tailor the campaign to the specific people you’re going to try to get to come to your business. 

  • What should you include in the marketing campaign? Think about the points you want to let the recipients know about your company so you can determine how to put them into the mailed ad.
  • What will it be printed on? You can choose from things like a postcard or letter. 
  • When will it be delivered? Campaigns that are targeted to a specific time of year need to be delivered enough in advance to be effective but not so early that the person will forget about it. 

Some companies handle multiple direct mailing campaigns each year. They may even have more than one going on simultaneously. If this is what your company plans on doing, you should ensure that you have a way to track the success of individual campaigns so you’re able to determine which ones are worth repeating and which ones you need to modify before you try again. 

How Can You Simplify Direct Marketing?

For some companies, trying to spend time working on the direct marketing plan from start to finish takes a lot of time. There are ways that you can simplify the process. It’s typically best for you to be as hands-on as possible during the design phase. This gives you the control to decide what image your company is going to portray in the advertisement. 

It’s also beneficial for you to be able to get a printed proof of the advertisement so you know how it will look and feel when it’s delivered. This can prevent you from mailing out something that has typos or that doesn’t accurately represent your company. You can save yourself considerable time and your company quite a bit of money by taking this step.

One option that you have that can greatly simplify things is to hire someone to get the mailers out to customers. Some companies allow you to send business mail online for them to print and mail out to your potential customers. This means that you can be hands-off during this part of the process. You can then focus on building your company or working on the next marketing campaign. While you might think that services like this are expensive, they’re actually very affordable and can typically be tailored to fit in with your budget.