The Role and Responsibility of HR Departments in Easing Stress Levels for Employees to Enhance Trust

HR departments

It is no secret that the role of an HR department in a company is a vital one. Not only do they handle the recruitment and placement of employees, but they are also responsible for ensuring that the workforce remains healthy, both physically and mentally.

To combat this, many HR departments are turning to UK HRIS software to help ease employee stress levels with its transparent communication capabilities to assist in facilitating informed decision-making that enables all employees to exactly know what is happening within their company.

Furthermore, that’s not the only way how HR departments can help ease their employees’ stress levels. Here are some ways in how HR teams can help reduce employee stress and enhance the development of trust in the workplace:

1. Set clear expectations

To ease stress for employees, HR departments need to set clear expectations. This will ensure that the employees know what is expected of them and what they have to do to meet those requirements.

In addition, setting expectations also helps with accountability because it gives employees a sense of responsibility for their own actions as well as other people’s.

It will also help to reduce conflict among employees because they will be more likely to come forward if there is a problem rather than just let it fester in silence.

2. Engage employees in meaningful work

HR departments need to ensure that they are engaging their employees in meaningful work. This does not mean simply giving them more work or making them do things for no reason at all; it means actually having a purpose behind what you’re asking of your team members and being able to communicate this effectively, so everyone understands what to do and why they are doing it.

Engaging employees in meaningful work will not only help them to be more productive but it will also give them a sense of purpose, which is essential for reducing stress levels at work.

3. Use of technology at High-level Organisations

HR departments need to be aware of the role technology can play in reducing stress levels for employees. This will free up the HR department to focus on other important things, such as employee engagement and wellness.

For example, HRIS software has allowed many companies to better manage their employee data. This helps them keep track of performance and allows employees at these high-trust organizations more opportunities for success than those who work with low levels or no trust in the company.

People working in a highly trusted environment have 74% less stress, 106% more energy at work, 50% higher productivity, 13% fewer sick days, 76% more engagement, 29% more satisfaction with their lives, 40% less burnout.

4. Encourage employees to take breaks

Employees need time to relax and rejuvenate to be productive. This is why HR departments should encourage their employees to take regular breaks throughout the day.

It doesn’t have to be a long break, even just five or ten minutes can make a big difference to productivity levels.
