How To Automate Your Employee Rewards System

employee rewards system

Seasoned business owners and managers know that the secret to a company’s success is a happy and productive workforce. It’s said that a great way to keep your employees in high spirits is by giving them timely rewards and meaningful recognition.

Gone are the days when firms conduct annual recognition ceremonies where only one hard-working team member takes home all the credit and cash incentives that are up for grabs. Today, it’s believed that companies understand that an effective team member rewards system celebrates both small and big wins.

Further, when they’re constantly praised and rewarded, company personnel are believed to develop a solid motivation to do better and a reason to stick around for longer periods.

Challenges Of Employee Recognition

Unfortunately, rewarding your team more frequently can put your human resources (HR) department on edge. Team member recognition can be a tedious task that often requires all hands and minds on deck. After all, they’ll need to keep track of performance metrics monitor birthdays, weddings, work anniversaries, and even retirement dates. If you have more than a hundred employees, then that’s quite a lot.

You’ll also need HR to think of affordable and feasible incentives as praise can only go as far. You’ll need some tangible keepsakes that look good on display but are also worth sharing with colleagues and family. HR peeps also need to ensure everyone knows who’s being given what and when.

These activities can easily overwhelm your HR team and sadly turn rewards into disasters. If you’re looking for a better way to manage your team member rewards program without the drama and the hassle, then automation is your best bet.

Team Member Rewards Goes High Tech

Technological tools, like an automated employee reward system, allow you to inform, encourage, and promptly distribute rewards to deserving team members. To proceed with the adoption of an automated employee reward system in your business, keep in mind the following: 

1. Look For An Appropriate Team Member Recognition Software

Software is at the heart of any automation process, including your team member recognition program. A centralized platform helps you manage everything with a click—from important dates to team member ratings.

What’s more, the software makes your reward system objective. Compared to manual reward systems, automated recognition software reduces biases and errors. A simple glance at the dashboard of a given software and you’ll know who’s deserving of praise or even a small prize.

2. Pick Out An Efficient Communication Stack 

Aside from software to help manage rewards, your HR team will need to spread the word about these recognitions next. Communication channels such as email or messenger apps work well for this purpose as they keep everyone updated as quickly as possible.

All you have to do is encourage everyone to activate their email or push notifications to get the latest information concerning a team’s top performer or birthday celebrant.

Collaboration tools aren’t only there to help you get the message top-down and across your organization. Sending a word or a reward via a shared communication network creates a celebratory environment that everyone can share.

3. Establish An Objective Pointing System

Who says automation is all work and no play? Sending rewards and recognitions can be exciting if you add gamification features such as point systems and tangible rewards. Encourage employees to work towards a goal, then reward their participation with corresponding points to be able to track and exceed their own performance levels.

When they unlock an achievement, don’t stop with just a sweeping announcement. Place their names on a wall of fame and constantly update leader boards. Make your employees competitive, but allow them to have fun simultaneously. 

4. Set Up A Milestones Or Events Celebration Scheduler

Data is another crucial component of a team member rewards system. Apart from performance-based incentives, you and your HR team can also make your employees feel valued by taking note of the tiny details about them that matter.

It’s recommended that you use automated solutions to chart birthdays or work anniversaries. Send well wishes on their wedding or welcome them back after a long and well-deserved maternity or paternity leave.

If they’re doing well in a task, let the team know so you can have co-workers cheer for them. Automation helps you notice your employees’ efforts and acknowledge them in a quick yet effective manner.

5. Work With Digital Rewards Partners

Once you’ve set up your software and communication channels, you’ll need to look for reputable partners who can provide your employees with amazing rewards. It’s best to partner with top companies in your or your team member’s local area to provide discounts, deals, and more. You can also consider using digital gift cards, which they can use to redeem products and services.

Although HR may do most of the research, it also pays to ask your team members for feedback. Select products and services that resonate with their needs to create a reward catalog that inspires them to become top performers. This process may also make them feel involved in the organization-wide automated rewards system.

Automation helps employees redeem their hard-earned rewards with ease. They can use the platform to claim their prize and use it as they please.

Eyes On The Prize

In sum, automating your employee rewards system has many benefits. Selecting the right team member recognition software allows you to track team member milestones and achievements and provide rewards quickly and efficiently.

Automation also allows you to get creative with your recognition system. Gamification features and digital bonuses make goals fun and attainable. Broadcast tools announce top performers and allow your entire organization to take part in each team member’s victories throughout the hire-to-retire cycle.