Why Do ISO Standards Matter?

Why Do ISO Standards Matter

The International Organization For Standardization (ISO) is responsible for setting minimum standards regarding the quality of products and services. Its members are from various countries worldwide, which gives the body the ability to set standards applicable worldwide.

ISO standards touch on many industries, such as manufacturing, construction, and engineering. It also covers different business aspects like health and safety, quality, food safety, and IT security, to name a few. As a business, you might be wondering if adopting ISO standards is essential or not. This article will help you answer this question by discussing why ISO standards matter. Read on to find out more!

ISO standards are important because they:

Reduce Costs

Your business costs and expenditure matter the same way your sales and revenues do. They will determine the viability of your firm in both the short and long term. Needless to say, it’s best to ensure that you incur fewer expenses as you operate your business. ISO standards can help reduce your costs significantly.

Quality products eliminate the need for rework or product recall because they are good enough for the market to use or consume. As previously stated, the standards will be your guiding principle in your operations. This means that adhering to them will reduce the likelihood that your products will fall short of quality.

Remember that any form of rework will consume a lot of money and resources you could have invested in other operations. Similarly, product recalls will reduce your sales and income; you won’t get the expected returns for the money you invested in producing the recalled goods.

Guide Business Operations

If you find it challenging to set goals, adopting ISO standards can help you. How? These standards set the quality of your final products and services. Therefore, with the long list of ISO standards available, you can work backward and devise ways to ensure you achieve the minimum standards.

Also, with the standards being your guiding principle, productivity levels will increase in your business. Work processes in accordance with ISO standards ensure that everyone in the workforce has a role to play and would have measured outputs, reducing downtime due to workers not having a clear vision of what is expected of them.

Increase Your Customer Base

Most companies desire to continue growing as years pass by, you included. Part of this growth is retaining customers and gaining new ones. You can easily expand your production without worrying if you’ll get a market for your goods with many customers. Following ISO standards can indirectly support this goal.

From the name itself, ISO refers to standards that are applicable worldwide. If your products and services are ISO certified, it would be easier for you to sell them in international markets. Serving local and international markets will give you access to a broader market. A wider market directly translates to having more clients for your products.

ISO 27001

Allow For Market Control

Market control is crucial in ensuring the stability of any industry. Without market control, some entrepreneurs might take advantage and misuse trading freedom. This might also lead to industry players existing in the business landscape.

ISO standards eliminate the supply of substandard goods and services in the market. Without them, some manufacturers will scrimp on quality and sell their goods at a lower price. Naturally, consumers will opt for these lower-priced items without assessing the quality.

In most cases, ensuring products comply with ISO standards is expensive; therefore, most manufacturers will factor this into the final costs of their products and services. In the end, all similar products and services will have the same price range. It will also eliminate malicious practices and ensure fair play among business owners.

Increase Sales

The bottom line of any business is to make profits, which you’ll only achieve by increasing your sales. The sales need to be more than your expenditure to realize profits. In most cases, sales are tied to the satisfaction levels of your customers. If your goods meet their needs satisfactorily, they’ll always seek your products and will inform others of your products. This increases your customers, hence more sales.

ISO standards aim at ensuring that the final products and services are of good quality and won’t harm customers. They feel more protected with certified goods than those with no certification. Therefore, if you adopt ISO standards in your operations, consumers will most likely seek your goods and services, increasing sales.


This article has shown that ISO standards will benefit your business in various ways. It’ll help the industry at large, the running of your business, and your customers, should you choose to adopt it. From the insight this article gives, you can decide whether to adopt ISO standards in your operations or not. The choice is yours to make; however, make the right one.