Benefits Of Good Indoor Air Quality in the Office and Home

Indoor Air Quality

As a business owner, manager, or startup founder, you always look for ways to make your office and home more productive and comfortable. While ensuring you have the right equipment is essential, paying attention to air quality should also be a priority. Poor indoor air quality can decrease productivity and workers’ morale in the office while creating health issues at home – leading to increased sick days and medical bills.

Fortunately, monitoring your indoor air quality regularly and taking steps for clean, healthy air provide many huge benefits that can improve life in the office and your home.

Let us now explore some of the advantages associated with clean airflow management.

1. Breathe With Ease

If you have ever been in a poorly ventilated room for an extended period, then finally stepped out for some fresh air, you then understand how important and refreshing fresh air is. Poor indoor air quality can take a toll on your physical and mental well-being in one way or another. It often exposes to you a myriad of allergies and even makes certain respiratory conditions, especially asthma, worse. Ensuring your home or workplace has indoor air quality monitoring and good air quality can significantly help improve everyone’s well-being.

Businesses and homes in areas prone to poor air quality (especially those close to highways, train stations, etc.) are at the highest risk of poor indoor air quality as well. For this reason, it is highly advisable to invest in the most efficient HVAC system possible, preferably those with HEPA filters to help filter out most of the pollutants.  In addition to having these systems installed, it would be advisable to have the same serviced and maintained regularly to keep the filters in tip-top condition for optimal air quality.

2. Reduce Exposure to Pollutants

 As mentioned before, air pollutants inside the house can lead to a number of health complications including allergic reactions, respiratory issues, etc.  It can be even worse (increased risk of cancer, lung and heart conditions, etc.) if one is exposed to these contaminants for long.  That said, having the proper systems installed to filter out and remove these pollutants would minimize/eliminate exposure, leaving everyone safer.

3. Get Rid of Allergens

Mold spores, pollen, dust mites, and other allergens can easily find their way inside any building.  Airborne allergens are particularly light and almost invisible, enabling them to pass through even the smallest opening or crevice to your house or workplace.

Regular cleaning and dusting of all surfaces are an excellent way to keep these at bay.  According to experts, one should regularly vacuum their carpets/rugs, as well as wash curtains and draperies at least once every 3 months. While this will reduce exposure to airborne allergens, you should consider installing an efficient air filtration system to trap and remove the same from indoor air. UV germicidal irradiation would also help eliminate bacteria and other disease-causing microbes.

4. Reduce The Risk of Getting Common Cold and Flu

Common colds and flu spread faster in crowded workplaces, especially where indoor quality is poor.  the flu-causing virus is easily transmitted through the air to other individuals, putting them at risk of contracting and even spreading the virus. Keeping the office clean and well-ventilated is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of most respiratory viruses.

Better Indoor Air Quality Benefits for Your Office & Home Life

5. Better Customer Satisfaction

Good indoor air quality is not only crucial for your employee health but your customers as well. No one would want to stick around in a surrounding (office) that feels moldy and stuffed air. Investing in a proper HVAC system can help improve customer satisfaction on-site.

6. Healthier Employees

Leaving your employees exposed to all manner of air contaminants will only cost their health, leading to poor productivity.  The most common signs of exposure to contaminated air include headaches, fatigue, and respiratory issues. Businesses with good HVAC systems installed do not however record such cases, and enjoy a healthy workforce. This thus translates to improved productivity and a larger turnout.

7. Increased Productivity With Better Indoor Air Quality

Poor air quality is one of the leading causes of low turnout and increased sick leaves in many establishments.  Even though all employees may turn out, their productivity takes a dip an hour or so after checking in. Ensuring their workplaces are well-ventilated with minimal exposure to air contaminants can help boost their productivity and morale.

8. Better Morale

Take proper care of your employees and they will take care of your business. Every successful employer knows this by heart. That said, working to ensure your employees are not only comfortable and safe in the workplace can go a long way in boosting their morale.  As long as your employees see the effort to safeguard their health, you can be almost guaranteed loyalty, confidence, and increased output.

9. Better Indoor Air Quality Will Reduce Turnover

As long as your employees are happy, they are less likely to leave. Reduced turnover paves the way for loyalty, which again reduces costs associated with recruiting and training new staff.  Loyal and experienced staff will get work done faster and more efficiently than newbies.

10. Cleaner HVAC Systems

Although HVAC systems help keep your environment clean and comfortable, they too can gather dome dust and debris over time. Dust buildup is quite common in HVAC systems, especially in neglected environments.  Such buildup can trigger increased operational and energy costs, a reason experts recommend regular servicing. One of the perks of ensuring the environment is clean is that there will be reduced dust and germ buildup. This automatically means your air filters will last longer. It also translates to more cost-effective, healthier, and cleaner HVAC systems.

11. Lower Energy Costs

In addition to a clean environment, regularly-serviced HVAC systems will run more efficiently for longer.  With no dust buildup or blocked filters, you can rest assured the systems will run efficiently without straining, hence lower energy consumption.  Clean air is also easier to heat up and filter compared to polluted environments. That said, you stand to benefit the most from installing a proper HVAC and air disinfection unit(s) in the workplace.