Most Common Furnace Issues

furnace issues

The quality of your furnace can influence the quality of the air in your home. With some of the most common issues being easy to fix yourself, there is no excuse for poor air quality. If you have allergies, young children or pets, fixing them is even more important.

Here are some of the most common furnace issues that you will encounter.

Issues with The Thermostat

One common problem is that your thermostat isn’t configured correctly. If the air isn’t coming on when you need it to, then you may have set a timer by accident. Sometimes we forget how to use some of the features that make your home the right temperature.  It can be as easy as resetting the thermostat or understanding what each function means.

Dirty Air Filter

Another common problem is with furnace filters. This one is easy to fix yourself as well. You can remove the filter to inspect it a little closer. From here you will be able to see if it needs replacing. Any finer layer of dust is to be expected, but anything thicker can mean it’s time to find a replacement. This will also save you money on your bills as blocked furnaces need to work a lot harder.

Slipped Blower Belt

A telling sign showing if this is a problem will be a squeaking sound coming from your unit.  Simply place the belt back on the conveyor to see if this works as a quick fix. Some belts are beyond repair in which case you will need to source a replacement.

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Burner Needs Cleaning

This is a common problem that you will need to hire an expert to look at. If the ignition is still working, but the burner won’t ignite then a professional will need to look inside the furnace to identify the problem. From here they can advise how they will go about fixing it. When it comes to gas, you don’t want to take any chances. Doing something wrong can lead to accidental carbon monoxide poisoning so make sure it is done right.

In addition to ensuring safety, regular maintenance, such as cleaning the burner, can go a long way in saving on furnace repair costs. By addressing potential issues early, you not only prevent safety hazards but also avoid more extensive and expensive repairs down the line.

Flickering Pilot Light

This could be a sign that there is too much carbon monoxide in your gas furnace. If this is the case, then you can move the flame adjustment screw to see if this makes a difference. Also, the pilot light should always be blue. If it isn’t then this is another sign of potentially having too much carbon monoxide in your system. If the flame is spitting, then this could be because your room has a draft.

Faulty Ignition

If this has to work harder, your bills will increase. You want the whole ignition process to be smooth, so if your unit regularly has to strain just to ignite, then you will want to have an expert take a look at it.

As you can see, there are various issues that people encounter with furnaces. They aren’t limited to the above, but what we have discussed are some of the most common. Fixing these can make your unit operate properly, and maybe more efficiently, saving you money in the long run.