Here Is What You Can Do When The Mortgage Application Is Denied

mortgage application denied

You have had to face the harsh reality of having your application denied. However, it does not mean that you will not get a mortgage at all. When a lender denies your request for a loan, you might feel like you have lost it all. But it is not true. There are some steps you can take after your application has been denied so as to improve your chances of moving forward.

Find out the reason for the rejection

When your loan application is denied, the first thing you need to do is look at the assessment offered to you by the loan officer. The application process is rigorous and if you have a few strikes against you, the officer will give you an indication that you might not qualify. Your lender will give you reasons why you were denied so that you can understand this information and use it in an appropriate manner to resolve things and re-qualify later.

Check your credit

The credit score plays an important role in determining what type of loan and interest rate you are eligible for. You need to check the credit report very closely so as to ensure that there are no errors in it. Any errors in the same could drag down the rating. According to Aidan Briggs from Polar Mortgages (, if you have had a previous rejection on a loan application, you are much more likely to be denied the next time you apply for a loan. It is important to know your credit score and take action to ensure that it is strong. If the credit score is not good enough, the lender will tell you that it is why you were turned down. You need to work on building the credit score and then make an application again.

Pay your debt

Even if you have a strong credit score, lenders will look at the amount of outstanding debt you have. They will look at your credit card bills, student loans, auto payments and will compare this to see how much money you make. It will play a big role in determining if you are eligible for the loan. The best thing you can do is pay off the debt and a credit card is a good place to start with whenever you are applying for a personal loan or need a mortgage lender for your house.

Shop around

If you have a good credit score, have paid the debt, and still have had to face rejection, you need to look for a different lender. When it comes to mortgages, you need to shop around. There are loans out there for different buyers and just because one lender has rejected the application, it does not mean that it is not for you.

Do not give up when your mortgage loan application is denied. Instead, ask the reason behind the same and work on it. There are lenders who offer a loan to applicants with bad credit as well. Look around and choose a reliable lender for your second application.