Want a Job in Real Estate? Here are Your Options

Job in Real Estate

When most people think of working in real estate, they imagine becoming a broker or an agent. However, there are many different jobs available within the industry, and each job plays an important role in helping customers buy and sell a property. This article is meant to introduce you to some of your options if you’re looking for a job in real estate so that you can figure out which one is right for you.

Working as an Agent

An agent assists customers in finding suitable properties for purchase or sale, negotiates contracts on behalf of their clients, and helps them through every step of completing a sale. Customers may work directly with one real estate agent (a principal broker) who takes care of everything in that one deal, or they can work with multiple agents in different transactions if they want to buy or sell in different areas. Agents handle all communication between themselves and their customers because brokers tend to be more involved in larger deals.

In addition to having general knowledge about real estate transactions, an agent needs an understanding of contracts and contract negotiations as well as licenses from each state where they plan on doing business. For example, all California real estate agents must complete a pre-licensing course, pass an exam, and have at least two years of experience as a full-time licensed real estate salesperson. Agents generally work on commission based on the sale price of the home. 

Working as a Broker

Brokers usually work for a brokerage firm and handle a team of agents, but they also sometimes have their own independent agency. They are often the liaison between customers and real estate agents because they spend most of their time meeting with customers to find out what kind of property they want. Then, after finding out what the customer is looking for, brokers help their agents narrow down searches based on those specifications. When an agent has information about possible properties that could be a good match for the customer’s needs, the broker will go meet with them to find out more details and give feedback to their agent. Once everything is set up, brokers will help their agents to complete the transaction and communicate with their customers throughout the process.

Working as an Appraiser

Sometimes when people think about working in real estate, they imagine appraisers are independent contractors who simply conduct property appraisals for banks and lending companies. However, many appraisers are also licensed real estate brokers or agents who help customers to value their properties. Appraisers often work with commercial buildings that banks want to buy or refinance, but you can also work in residential appraising if you prefer to focus on people’s homes instead of businesses. This type of job is right for someone who likes working directly with customers because they spend most of their time visiting properties and meeting with people to find out more about them.

Working as an Appraiser’s Assistant

Appraisers’ assistants help appraisers with all aspects of their work, from researching comparable properties in the neighborhood to helping complete reports and submit them to lending companies. This type of job is right for someone who likes working directly with customers because they spend most of their time visiting properties and meeting with people to find out more about them. It’s a perfect position for someone who wants to develop their skills as an appraiser and is willing to work on a smaller salary while they’re still learning.

Working as an Inspector

Property inspectors check up on properties that have already been purchased so that buyers can know what condition the home is in before finalizing the sale. They usually charge a fee if they report back any repairs or renovations that need to be done before the sale is finalized, so their jobs are usually reserved for homes that have already been sold. If you like spending time outdoors and feeling like you’re part of a team, this type of job might suit your skillset because inspectors meet together to discuss their work and plan out who will inspect which properties.

Reviewing the Options

It’s important to remember that these are just some of the different jobs in real estate, and there are many other possibilities out there. If none of them sound like a good fit for you, then keep searching! You never know what options might be available until you’ve explored all your options. 

real estate job

The best way to find out which type of job you’d enjoy most is by having open conversations with recruiters, doing informational interviews with people who have experience in those industries, or shadowing someone so you can get a feel for their everyday life. No matter how you learn more about different types of real estate jobs, make sure to do your research and find something that’s right for you.