4 Things To Consider When Creating a Website For Your Business

Consider Website For Your Business

Nowadays, businesses are expected to have an online presence. If a potential customer or client Googles your business and can’t find a website, they could be put off buying from you or working with you. If you’re starting a business, creating a website is an essential part of the process. There are plenty of guides out there that will help you out, but here are four things to consider that you may be forgetting. 

1. Are you collecting data?

Any website that collects user data needs to have cookie consent banners or privacy notices. That means even if you have a contact form or an online shop, you’ll need to ensure your website is GDPR compliant. One of the easiest ways to do this is to include a privacy notice that informs visitors how their data will be used. You may also want to install a cookie consent banner or another consent management solution that allows users to consent to the data being used. 

2. What is your SEO strategy?

If you’re setting up a business website, you probably want it to rank highly on search engine results pages. You’ve probably heard of SEO – search engine optimization – but do you have a strategy to ensure your site is optimized? Gone are the days when filling your web pages with keywords was enough to rank highly, instead most businesses need an SEO strategy to ensure they get organic website traffic. Hiring an SEO specialist is the best way to get your strategy right, but this step-by-step SEO guide is a great place to start familiarizing yourself with the concept. 

3. Is your website mobile-friendly?

In the first quarter of 2021, mobile device users made up 54.8% of all search traffic. Setting up a website for your business is all about ensuring users have a seamless experience and can find the information or products they need. With so many users accessing your website on their mobiles, it is essential that your site is mobile-friendly. If you’re using a web hosting platform like WordPress or Wix, you can view your site on mobile as you edit. If you are building your own website, make sure you test it on mobile too, or stress to your web designer that mobile-friendliness is vital. 

4. Are you analyzing your website regularly?

Once your website is up and running, it might be tempting to leave it be and turn your attention to other sides of your business. This is a common mistake made by business owners with a website. Not only should you regularly check the site’s technical performance – its loading speed, plugins, and links – but you should also analyze its effectiveness. This can be as simple as heading over to Google Analytics to view the performance of your website. You’ll be able to see traffic, bounce rates, conversions, and more. And remember, while website traffic is important, you should focus your attention on conversions, such as purchases made or leads generated, as this is the real mark of your website’s success.