The Most Common Shortcomings of Real Estate Agents

real estate agents mistakes

Real estate agents are expected to be professional and experienced people. They should know what they do and how to deal with the work. That’s why it is strongly recommended you never trust an agent who is just making the first steps in his career that doesn’t have an experienced mentor or who cannot give proof of their professionalism. However, even the most experienced real estate agents will fail at some things. 

The following are some of the things most real estate agents fail in:

Licensing Issues

Real estate agents who don’t have the required licenses are known to offer their services. It doesn’t matter whether they want to do so, but they aren’t allowed to work without them under any circumstances. 

The issue is much more common among realtors who have been working for less than two years or those who haven’t passed the national exam that is required to obtain the license. 

Getting a real estate license is essential because it ensures that the real estate agents are duly qualified to do their job. Without these licenses, they won’t be able to access the databases of houses on the market, which will make it hard for them to help you find your dream home or try to sell your house if you are a seller.

Poor Marketing

Marketing for real estate agents is an essential part of their job. They are expected to know how they can make people come to them for selling or buying houses. 

However, some real estate agents are not interested in marketing themselves or have no idea what they are doing. If you find yourself working with poorly-marketed real estate agents that don’t seem to care about their job, you should probably avoid them altogether.

Unprofessional Behavior

Most real estate agents can make the best of their situation and act like professionals even when they have to deal with unruly or fussy clients. It is part of the job they signed up for. However, some realtors can be very unprofessional despite all the knowledge and experience they have in their field of work. Some of them may give off that “you can’t afford this property” vibe when showing clients a house, even if they don’t intentionally do so. They aren’t the kind of people you want to deal with when looking for your dream home or trying to sell your house.

Conducting an Adequate Market Analysis

Understanding where your house stands compared to other homes on the market is not something all real estate agents are good at doing.

A property will sell faster if it’s located in a popular area, has enough space, and doesn’t need too much renovation work done. The real estate agent should know how to calculate the market value of your house and how to price it so that it attracts the right buyers. 

Lack of Selling Skills

Selling a house isn’t a menial task. The commissions are great, but even on a bull market, it’s not every day that someone makes a purchase. Even with the right knowledge and experience, a good agent must be charismatic and persuasive. Selling is a must-have skill in real estate. Some real estate agents will be able to sell your home, while others won’t have any clue what they are doing.

Before hiring a real estate agent, ask them how many houses they managed to sell in the previous year and if they always managed to meet the deadlines. If time is your biggest concern, you should better avoid agents who can’t guarantee that they will be able to sell your house in 6 to 8 weeks.

Not Understanding Real Estate Laws

Some real estate agents are not aware of the legal aspects of their job. They may break any rules or regulations without even realizing it. You should ask your agent about what they do to avoid making mistakes that would violate any laws in your town. If you feel like your agent doesn’t respect local property laws, you better change your agent as quickly as possible.

If you follow these tips, you will find a real estate agent that won’t let you down. Always remember that a good realtor can help you sell or buy your dream house, so don’t settle for anything short of perfect.