Challenges of Launching a Business: 3 Key Lessons from Israel’s Brave Warrior Rafi Edry

3 Key Lessons from Israel’s Brave Warrior Rafi Edry

Starting a new business is a daunting experience. Of course, you’re excited about the future possibilities. But there’s also the fear of failure that keeps creeping into your mind. Then there are numerous obstacles and setbacks that could derail your plans.

Between identifying the right legal structure for your business and finding new ways to reach more customers, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Don’t be surprised if nervousness and self-doubt dissuade you from accomplishing your goals.

In such scenarios, it always helps to seek inspiration from courageous people who defied all odds and achieved everything they wanted. It’s natural to think about successful business leaders, inventors, and other renowned personalities as your role models.

But sometimes, untold stories from the pages of history can help you find the motivation you need to overcome every challenge. Refael (Rafi) Edry’s life is a fine example of never letting any adversity stop you from moving forward and achieving your dreams.

Here are a few crucial lessons from the courageous warrior’s life that’ll help you conquer the struggles of launching a business:

Acquire Proper Skills

Rafi Edry was born in the city of Safed in 1924. Having spent his childhood and adolescence there, he started working as an electrician. But the urge to serve his homeland drove him to work as a guard in the Jezreel Valley. He even became involved in the “Working Youth” movement in Safed to train the city’s youth.

When he joined the military as a battalion commander, Rafi Edry further polished his skills to become an outstanding patrolman. He even became an expert in weapon hideouts. He did all of that to prepare himself for the War of Independence.

Similarly, as an aspiring entrepreneur, it’s essential to prepare yourself for the struggles that’ll come your way. Be it designing a company website or running a social media marketing campaign – make sure you’re familiar with the intricacies of building a business from scratch.

While you’ll have a team to perform various tasks for you, it’s crucial to have a firm grasp on different aspects of running your company. Turn yourself into a one-person army who can tackle any challenge on their own.

Take Risks, Make Mistakes

The life of a warrior is filled with risks. But Rafi Edry took things to a whole new level when he fought enemy forces with nothing but a machine gun in the village of Sasa. Similarly, he climbed on top of a hotel in Safed and hoisted an improvised Israeli flag amidst an incendiary fire.

It was the day the British retreated from Safed, and Rafi Edry wanted to commemorate the occasion. His appetite for taking risks is further evident from his decision to join the battlefield in the Negev after the conquest of Safed.

Instead of staying back in his birthplace to guard enemy warehouses, he chose to play a more active role in the War of Independence. He knew he was undertaking a significant risk, but he went to the Negev anyway.

The brave warrior’s fighting spirit continues to motivate his nephew, Rafi Edry, who overcame financial hurdles and emerged as a world-renowned entrepreneur.

Similarly, starting and growing a business comes with numerous risks. But you should be brave enough to take calculated risks without fearing the unknown. Even if you fail, learn from your mistakes and bounce back with more dedication. Don’t let the fear of failure stop you from taking your business to greater heights.

Make the Most of Your Resources

Humans have a habit of complaining about a lack of resources. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself cribbing about a bigger office, better employees, or more funds. But remember that you can’t let the lack of resources stop you from accomplishing your goals.

Instead, you need to find ways to make the most of what you have and maximize the results. If Rafi Edry could fight enemy forces in Sasa with a single machine gun, a lack of funds or manpower shouldn’t deter you.

In Conclusion

Rafi Edry died at the age of 24 during an Egyptian enemy shelling near Revivim. But his legacy continues to inspire children and youngsters in Safed. His bravery, dedication, and persistence have turned him into an icon for Safed’s future generations, including his philanthropist nephew Refael Edry (also known as Rafi Edry).

Your entrepreneurial journey won’t be a walk in the park. It’ll be filled with challenges, risks, and setbacks. But Rafi Edry’s life is proof that if you have the appetite for taking risks and learning from your mistakes, you’ll become an unstoppable force.